(A)    The village pours or places all the foundations at Greenlawn Cemetery.
   (B)   The cost of foundations is $1 per square inch. We charge only the direct cost of the foundations for government markers. Foundations are poured flush to grade or in a manner to allow for a level monument depth is generally 18 inches to frost line. In places vaults will determine depth and finish are at the determination of the Village Manager and may vary based on situation repairs to settled compromised foundations.
   (C)   Payments for foundations can be made directly to the Village of South Charleston or paid through the monument company. The payment for the foundation is due and payable upon completion of the work. Any company delinquent in payment will be required to submit payment for a foundation at the time the request is filed.
   (D)   The village makes every effort to accommodate foundation requests. Fresh graves need ample time to naturally settle before foundations can be poured. This process can take up to a year. Pouring of new foundations with be at the discretion of the Village Manager, depending on how well the grave has settled. However, in general, the schedule is as follows: spring and fall.
   (E)   Foundation orders submitted after October 15 will be installed by spring the following year unless weather and work schedule permits earlier installation. No foundations will be poured between November 15 and April 15.
(Ord. 2011-2, passed 3-15-2011; Ord. 2021-11, passed 5-4-2021)