Recall Petition.
   Section 58. Any or all members of the Village Commission may be removed from office by the electors by the following procedure.
   A petition for the recall of the commissioner or commissioners designated, signed by at least twenty-five of the electors of the village, and containing a statement in not more than two hundred words of the grounds of the recall, shall be filed with the village clerk, who shall forthwith notify the commissioner or commissioners sought to be removed, and he or they, within five days after such notice, may file with such village clerk a defensive statement in not exceeding two hundred words. The village clerk shall at once upon the expiration of said five days cause sufficient printed or typewritten copies of such petition, without the signatures, to be made, and to each of them he shall attach a printed or typewritten copy of such defensive statement, if one is furnished him within the time provided. He shall place said petition on file in the village clerk’s office in said village where facilities shall be provided for signing the same during normal working hours and he shall immediately cause notice to be published in some newspaper of general circulation in the village of the placing of such copies of said petition.
   Such copy of such petition shall remain on file in the office of the village clerk of said village for the period of twenty days, during which time it may be signed by any elector of the village in person, but not by agent or attorney. Each signer shall sign his name in ink or indelible pencil.