(A) Purpose.
(1) The purpose of the Industrial District is to provide suitable areas for a range of industrial activities, while protecting the character of nearby residential and commercial areas.
(2) Permitted uses within the Industrial District shall comply with the following minimum standards:
(a) Fire and explosion standards. All activities, including storage, involving flammable or explosive material shall comply with regulations as enforced by the State Fire Marshal. All standards enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration shall be adhered to. Burning of waste materials in open fire is prohibited, as enforced by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA).
(b) Air pollution. No emission of air pollutants shall be permitted which violates the Clean Air Act, being 33 U.S.C. §§ 1251 et seq., as enforced by the OEPA.
(c) Glare, heat and exterior light. Any operation producing intense light or heat, such as high temperature processes like combustion, welding or otherwise, shall be performed within and enclosed building and not be visible beyond the lot line bounding the property whereon the use is conducted.
(d) Liquid or solid wastes. No discharge at any point into any public sewer, private sewage disposal system, or stream, or onto the ground, of any materials of such nature or temperature as may contaminate any water supply or interfere with bacterial processes in sewage treatment, shall be permitted. The standards of the OEPA shall apply.
(e) Vibration and noise. No uses shall be located and no equipment shall be installed in such a manner as to produce intense, earth shaking vibration which is discernable without instruments at or beyond the property line of the subject premises. Noise standards of the OEPA shall be adhered to.
(f) Odors. The applicable standards of the OEPA shall be adhered to.
(g) Open storage and display of material and equipment. The open storage and display of material and equipment incidental to permitted uses shall be permitted, provided the area used for open storage shall be effectively screened from all adjoining properties in any residential district by means of walls, fences or plantings. Walls or fences shall be a minimum of six feet in height without advertising thereon. In lieu of such wall or fence, a strip of land not less than ten feet in width, planted and maintained with an evergreen hedge or dense planting of evergreen shrubs not less than four feet in height at the time of planting may be substituted.
(B) Permitted uses.
(1) Manufacturing, compounding, processing, assembling, packaging, or treatment of goods, materials, and products, consistent with the purpose of the I District;
(2) Warehousing, wholesale establishments, manufacturing retail outlets, distribution and related uses, including truck and transfer terminals;
(3) Administrative, professional and business offices associated with and incidental to another permitted use; and
(4) Similar uses, as determined by the Planning and Zoning Board, in accordance with the provisions of § 152.040(B)(5), and the purpose of the Industrial District.
(C) Conditional uses.
(1) Motor vehicle storage and salvage yards, provided those uses meet applicable state requirements related to fencing and other standards, and a development plan is approved pursuant to § 152.040(B)(7);
(2) Contractor equipment and storage yards, provided adequate fencing and screening devices are installed;
(3) Quarrying or mining operations, provided that all county, state and federal regulations are met and licenses are obtained and a development plan is approved pursuant to § 152.040(B)(7). The Planning and Zoning Board may impose additional requirements as may be reasonable and appropriate;
(4) Structures and sites associated with drilling for oil and/or natural gas; and
(5) Sanitary landfills and similar facilities for the processing and/or disposal of waste materials, provided that all required licenses and permits are obtained and a development plan is approved pursuant to § 152.040(B)(7). The Planning and Zoning Board may impose additional requirements as may be reasonable and appropriate.
(D) Prohibited uses. Keeping, feeding, grazing, or sheltering of hoofed animals, poultry, fowl, or the like.
(E) Minimum development standards.
(1) Minimum lot area. No minimum lot size is required; however all principal and subordinate uses and structures, including parking and paved areas, shall be located not less than 100 feet from any district where residences are a permitted use, and not less than 50 feet from any other zoning district.
(2) Minimum lot width. No minimum lot width is required; however, all lots shall abut a publicly dedicated and improved street and shall have adequate width to provide for yard spaces and parking areas.
(3) Side yards. When the lot abuts a residential zoning district, the required side yard shall be not less than 100 feet for structures and 50 feet for paved areas. When the lot abuts a nonresidential zoning district, the required side yard shall be not less than 50 feet for structures and paved areas.
(4) Front yard depth. Any structure or parking area must be located not less than 50 feet from the right-of-way of the street or highway on which the use has frontage.
(5) Minimum rear yard depth. Minimum rear yard depth shall be at least 50 feet.
(6) Height. No structure shall exceed a height of 50 feet.
(7) Trash and garbage control. All trash and garbage shall be stored in container systems which are located and enclosed so as to effectively screen them from view.
(Ord. 97-5, passed 8-4-1997; Ord. 2023-6, passed 5-2-2023)