(A)   Purpose. It is recognized that housing at higher densities creates particular opportunities and problems separate and distinct from lower density development. This district is established to provide for the continuance, redevelopment and/or limited expansion of multiple-family developments in areas best equipped to accommodate such higher density development. This district can also be used to provide for other similar forms of development, such as condominiums.
   (B)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   Multiple-family structures having two or more dwellings per structure, including senior housing; and
      (2)   Public or private parks.
   (C)   Accessory uses.
      (1)   Home occupations, subject to the requirements of § 152.066(E);
      (2)   Uses incidental and accessory to multiple-family dwellings and for exclusive use of their residents, to include common recreational facilities, community swimming pools and offices for the rental and management of units therein; and
      (3)   Temporary buildings for uses incidental to construction work, which shall be removed upon the completion or abandonment of construction work.
   (D)   Conditional uses.
      (1)   Nursery schools and day care centers; and
      (2)   Class I Type A group residential facilities, subject to the requirements of § 152.066(F).
   (E)   Development standards.
      (1)   Minimum lot area. Four thousand square feet per dwelling unit for two-family dwellings; 4,000 square feet per dwelling unit for all other multiple-family dwellings. This requirement may be reduced to 3,000 square feet per dwelling unit if approved by the Planning and Zoning Board, pursuant to division (F) below.
      (2)   Minimum lot width. Eighty feet of frontage on a publicly dedicated and improved street or highway.
      (3)   Minimum front yard depth. Thirty feet.
      (4)   Minimum side yard width. Twenty feet.
      (5)   Minimum rear yard depth. Forty feet.
      (6)   Maximum building height. Thirty-five feet.
      (7)   Minimum distance between buildings. If there are two or more buildings on a single lot, the minimum distance between buildings shall be 15 feet.
      (8)   Storm drainage. The application for rezoning into the AR District must include a plan showing storm drainage runoff collection points. The plan for accommodating storm drainage must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Board.
      (9)   Landscaping. If side or rear yards are located adjacent to any district where single-family residences are a permitted use, landscaping and screening of those yards shall be required. Such landscaping and/or screening shall consist of walls, fencing, mounding, natural vegetation or a combination of these elements, provided that such screening shall be at least seven feet high or, if natural vegetation is used, capable of reaching seven feet high within three years of planting. The application for a rezoning into the AR District shall include a site plan for the proposed screening.
      (10)   Development plan. In those cases where land is proposed to be rezoned from another zoning district into the AR District, a development plan, as described in § 152.040(B)(7)(a) shall be prepared and submitted to the Planning and Zoning Board, in addition to that material specified in § 152.022. The development plan shall be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board during the zoning amendment process. In approving a development plan, the Planning and Zoning Board shall find that the criteria specified in § 152.040(B)(7)(a) have been met.
   (F)   Density bonus. The Planning and Zoning Board may approve a density bonus, on a case-by-case basis, which would allow an overall density not to exceed 3,000 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit, if it finds that the following conditions exist.
      (1)   The subject site is 20 acres or more and a minimum of 40 dwelling units is proposed.
      (2)   The development is located directly adjacent to major thoroughfares, as delineated on the thoroughfare plan.
      (3)   Building design and site design is of high quality and buildings are integrated with the natural features and architectural context of the surrounding area.
      (4)   A minimum of 20% of the site is designated as permanent open space. The open space system shall provide for pedestrian and bicycle linkages to neighborhood facilities, parks, play areas. Assurances shall be provided that such open space shall be maintained by the owner of the development.
(Ord. 97-5, passed 8-4-1997)