(a)   No person without authorization may dump garbage or trash, or assist in the unauthorized dumping of garbage or trash, in a dumpster which is located on the property of another person and leased or otherwise owned or maintained by another person.
   (b)   No person without authorization may examine the content of, remove any item from, or step or climb into a dumpster which is located on the property of another person and leased or otherwise owned or maintained by another person. This subsection does not apply to law enforcement personnel or emergency responders acting within the scope of their employment.
   (c)   As used in this section:
   “Dumpster” includes any solid waste container;
   “Person” includes corporations, societies, associations, partnerships, and other legal entities or organizations.
   (d)   The act of throwing isolated objects into a dumpster or other solid waste container in the prevention or elimination of litter is specifically excepted from any penalties under this section. (Ord. 2308. Passed 6-17-21.)