The following actions shall constitute a violation of the personnel policy of the City and shall subject the employee to disciplinary action, to be determined in the discretion of his or her supervisor. However, these actions are representative and shall not be deemed to be the extent of the possible violations that may subject an employee to disciplinary action:
   (a)   The use of illegal drugs of narcotics at any time.
   (b)   The use of, or appearance to be under the influence of alcohol during work hours.
   (c)   Pilfering or stealing City property or property of another employee or the property of a resident.
   (d)   Unauthorized possession of City property or property of another employee or the property of a City resident.
   (e)   Willful abuse or deliberate damage to City property or property of another employee or the property of a City resident.
   (f)   Inexcusable carelessness which results in excessive delay or loss of work progress or damage/destruction of City property or property of another employee or property of a City resident.
   (g)   Failure to timely report accidents and damages or loss of City equipment or property.
   (h)   Performing personal work during work hours or with City equipment or material, without permission.
   (i)   Purchasing material for personal use under the name of the City.
   (j)   Falsification of City record or records, including, but not limited to purchase orders, bills or invoices.
   (k)   Sleeping during regular work hours, unless a sleeping period is allowed because of shift work.
   (l)   Excessive use of City telephones for personal use.
   (m)   Leaving the job site without permission.
   (n)   Disrespectful behavior directed toward fellow employees, supervisors or the residents at large.
   (o)   Disregard for safety rules and practices.
   (p)   Disregard for personal hygiene.
   (q)   Failure to timely report personal injuries incurred on the job.
   (r)   Feigning illness in order to abuse sick leave.
   (s)   Regularly reporting to work late.
   (t)   Refusal to obey instructions, or insubordination.
   (u)   Provoking physical violence or threatening injury to others on City property or during work hours, except law enforcement personnel when required in the exercise of their duties.
   (v)   Marking or punching the time card of another employee.
   (w)   Possession of dangerous weapons at the workplace without written authorization from the supervisor regardless of whether the City employees possess a permit for this.
   (x)   Abuse of lunch periods or rest periods.
   (y)   Residency more than a twenty-minute automobile drive from the City limits. Provided, that this subsection shall not apply to residences occupied by City employees on or before April 30, 1992, if such residences are continuously occupied by City employees as their primary residence. Subsequent residences and residences of employees hired after such date shall be within twenty minutes of lawful driving time from the City limits.
      (Ord. 1776. Passed 5-7-92.)