Uses | Parking Spaces Required |
Automobile or machinery sales and service garages | 1 for each 1,000 square feet of floor area |
Banks, business and professional offices | 1 for each 500 square feet of floor area |
Bowling alleys | 3 for each alley |
Churches and school auditoriums | 1 for each 10 seats in principal auditoriums |
Dancehalls and assembly halls without fixed seats | 2 for each 100 square feet of floor area used for assembly or dancing |
Dwellings and apartment houses for two or more families | 1 space for each bedroom |
Dwellings, single family | 2 spaces per dwelling with less than 3 bedrooms; 3 spaces per dwelling with 3 or more bedrooms |
Funeral homes, mortuaries | 8 for each reposing room; 1 for each funeral vehicle; 1 for each employee |
Hardware and appliance, household equipment or furniture stores, over 2,000 square feet of floor area | 1 for each 1,000 square feet of floor area |
Hospitals | 1 for each 6 beds, plus 1 for each staff doctor, plus 1 for each 2 employees |
Hotels, clubs with overnight accommodations, lodging houses and motels over 2 stories | 1 for each guest room |
Manufacturing plants, public utilities, research or testing laboratories, bakeries, bottling plants, dairies, printing shops, wholesale establishments and warehouses, over 2,000 square feet of floor area | 1 for each 4 employees maximum working shift |
Medical or dental clinics | 1 for each 200 square feet 1 for each employee |
Motels and tourists homes, 1 and 2 stories | 1 for each guest room |
Public housing Standard Elderly | 1 for each unit |
Restaurants, beer parlors, over 1,000 square feet floor area | 1 for each 200 square feet of floor area |
Retail stores, shops, etc. | 1 for each 500 square feet of floor area |
Stadiums, sports arenas, auditoriums | 1 for each 6 seats |
Theaters | 1 for each 8 seats In the case of any building, structure or premises, including governmental buildings and those of boards or commissions of government, the use of which is not specifically mentioned in this section, the provisions for a similar use which is mentioned shall apply. |
(1970 Code Sec. 32-63; Ord. 1826. Passed 10-7-93; Ord. 2177. Passed 1-3-13.)
(a) Parking Spaces. Each parking space shall be not less than eight and one-half feet wide and eighteen feet long; or not less than 153 feet in area, exclusive of access drives or aisles; provided, that nothing contained in this section shall be constructed as minimizing any other requirements of the Codified Ordinances concerning parking spaces.
(b) Floor Area. In the case of offices, merchandising or service types of uses, "floor area" means the gross floor area used or intended to be used by tenants or for service to the public as customers, patrons, clients or patients, including areas occupied by fixtures and equipment used for the display or sale of merchandise. It shall not include areas used principally for nonpublic purposes, such as storage, incidental repair, processing or packaging of merchandise, show windows, offices incidental to the management or maintenance of stores or buildings, toilets or restrooms, utilities or dressing rooms or fitting or alteration rooms.
(c) Hospital Bassinets. In hospitals, bassinets shall not be counted as beds.
(d) Benches in Places of Public Assembly. In stadiums, sports arenas, churches and other places of public assembly in which patrons or spectators occupy benches, pews or other similar seating facilities, each twenty inches of such seating facilities shall be counted as one seat for the purpose of determining the requirements for off-street parking areas.
(1970 Code Sec. 32-64)
(a) Surface; Drainage; Lighting. All off-street accessory parking areas shall be of usable shape and shall be improved with a durable and dustless surface and so graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water accumulation within the area in such a manner as to prevent water accumulation within the area in such a manner as to prevent drainage on or across a sidewalk. Any lighting used to illuminate such parking areas shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining properties in any residential district. Durable and dustless surfaces are all weather surfaces and shall be concrete, bituminous concrete, or pavers. Grass, soil, sand, gravel or other similar materials are not durable and dustless surfaces and not permitted to be used for off-street parking.
(b) Locations; Screening. If located on the same lot with a principal building, such parking areas shall not be located within the front yard setback for such building except as stipulated herein and if not on the same lot, not closer to any street line than the least depth of the yard which would be required for a principal building of one story height in the district in which it is located.
If the adjoining property is located in a residence district and used for a dwelling, such parking areas not located on the same lot with a principal building shall not be located within ten feet of the side lot line and shall be effectively screened by compact planting, unless a solid wall of acceptable design and constructed of brick or stone is erected along the side lot line on the property where the parking area is located.
(c) Variances. The Commission may authorize on appeal a modification, reduction or waiver of the foregoing requirements, if it should find that in the particular case, the peculiar nature of the use, other exceptional situation, or condition would justify such modification, reduction or waiver.
(d) Front Yard Parking. Motor vehicle parking in the front yard setback shall be permitted subject to the following conditions:
(1) Parking in the front yard setback is permitted in all zoning districts.
(2) Drive or parking located in front yard shall be no closer to side lot line than side yard setback required by zoning district for principal building.
(3) Drive or parking shall be durable and dustless surface with defined edges. Grass, soil, sand, gravel, or other similar materials are not durable and dustless surfaces.
(4) Surface area of drive and parking shall not exceed 40% of total front yard area in R-2, R-2A, R-4 and R-4A zoning districts and 60% of total front yard area in R-5, R-6, R-8, R-10, R-10A and R-O zoning districts.
(5) Drive and parking configuration shall be either perpendicular to public street, parallel to public street or semi-circular pull through.
(6) Minimum width of drive or parking perpendicular to public street shall be 10 feet and length shall be sufficient to allow motor vehicles to be parked without any overhang onto public street, sidewalk, or right of way.
(7) Minimum width of drive or parking parallel to public street or semi-circular pull through shall be 12 feet and sufficient to allow motor vehicles to be parked without any overhang onto public street, sidewalk, or right of way.
(8) Recreational vehicles or trailers shall not be parked in the front yard setback for a period longer than 72 hours.
(9) Commercial vehicles shall not be parked in the front yard setback.
(Ord. 2260. Passed 6-21-18.)
(a) Authorization; Location. In lots within or abutting residential districts R-2, R-4, R-6, R-8 and R-10 and in residential office districts, in connection with and accessory to one or more business or industrial establishments located in an adjoining business or industrial district or in connection with any institutional or other permitted nonresidential use located in any district, the Planning Commission may authorize the establishment and operation of off-street restricted accessory parking areas for any number of self-propelled vehicles, subject to the conditions and limitations of this section. Restricted accessory parking areas shall be located no farther than 200 feet from a business or industrial use or the premises of any institutional or permitted nonresidential building in the particular residential district.
(b) Arrangement; Prohibited Activities; Signs. Such parking areas shall be arranged and marked, as approved by the Traffic Engineer, so as to provide for orderly and safe parking or storage of vehicles. No commercial repair work, servicing or selling of any kind shall be conducted on such areas and no sign of any kind other than those indicating entrances, exits, name of establishment to which such parking area is accessory and conditions of use shall be erected thereon.
(c) Entrances and Exits. Entrances and exits to and from such parking areas shall be located to cause the least effect on adjoining property.
(d) Fencing; Screening. Such parking areas shall be fenced; or, where deemed essential to protect the adjoining residential district, screened by means of a wall or planting of such height and design as will meet the approval of the Planning Commission.
(e) Operational Improvements. In addition to the requirements above, such parking areas shall comply with such further requirements or conditions, with respect to surfacing, marking, lighting and other improvements with respect to other features of operation, including the time limit of lighting to prevent glare or obnoxiousness to adjoining residential properties, as the Planning Commission and the Traffic Engineer may deem necessary or desirable and may prescribe for the protection of the residential district in which such parking areas are to be located.
(f) Applications for Permits; Hearing. The application to the Planning Commission for permits to establish such parking areas shall be accompanied by the names and addresses of all of the owners of properties adjoining the proposed area and all other properties within the same block as will be the proposed parking area and of properties separated therefrom by not more than one street, any part of any one of which properties is within 200 feet of any part of such proposed parking area and is located in a residential district. Such property owners shall be given notice of public hearing and shall have the opportunity of expressing themselves thereat.
(g) Nonconforming Areas. The Planning Commission may, on application, authorize the continuation of the use of a nonconforming restricted accessory parking area located in a residential district; provided, that all requirements and conditions which the Commission may deem necessary or desirable and may prescribe for the protection of the residential district in which such parking area is located are complied with; and, in so doing, the Commission may require the execution, acknowledgement and delivery to the City of a valid and binding contract by the owner of the land, which contract shall create a covenant running with the land, to ensure that such requirements or conditions are observed and will remain effective until such parking area is discontinued or the use is terminated and containing such other provisions as the Commission may require.
(h) Revocation of Permit. A permit or certificate of occupancy issued for a restricted accessory parking area under the provisions of this section shall be revocable, subject to compliance with all requirements and conditions stipulated above.
(Ord. 1896. Passed 8-1-96.)