The Municipal Planning Commission shall consider the application, hold a public hearing and report its findings to Council. Such report need not be made within thirty days after submission of the application, but shall be made within sixty days after the applicant requests that such report be made.
   Municipal Planning Commission recommendations shall include:
   (a)   Findings as to suitability of the area for planned unit development.
   (b)   The kind of nonresidential facilities, if any, which appear appropriately related to the housing in the particular case which might be permitted within the development, with appropriate restrictions.
   (c)   Specific suggestions for modifications of provisions of general subdivision, zoning or other regulations, or of guides and standards for planned unit developments, where the Commission finds that circumstances justify such modification and that the proposed modification serves public purposes to the same degree as the existing provisions.
   (d)   Approval or disapproval of specific items, plans, programs or instruments proposed by the applicant.
(1970 Code Sec. 32-49)