(a)   The owner of real property which abuts a public sanitary sewer line, street, alley or other public way containing a sanitary sewer service, or which is located within 300 feet of sanitary sewer service, and upon which property a building or other habitable structure has been erected for residential, commercial or industrial use, shall be required to connect the building or structure in question to the sanitary sewer system or to such part of the system as may from time to time be extended or become reasonably available, and shall thereafter refrain from using or cease to use any other method in place of the sanitary sewer services which are now, or may hereafter become, available; and shall thereafter pay all the charges, rates or fees as required.
   (b)   In the event that sanitary sewer service is unavailable to the property by gravity because of terrain, the property may be connected to the sanitary sewers by means of individual pump stations. Such stations shall be constructed and maintained by the property owner, at his expense, shall conform to the specifications of the BOCA Plumbing Code and shall be approved by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services and the Sanitary Board. All persons proposing construction of a building or other habitable structure within the South Charleston Sanitary Board service area, whether within 300 feet of an existing sanitary sewer line or not, shall contact the Sanitary Board prior to construction.
      (Ord. 1859. Passed 9-1-94.)