         16-1.   GENERAL PROVISIONS
   16-1-1   Park closing regulations
   16-1-2   Consumption of alcohol in parks; glass beverage containers prohibited
   A.   All city parks, inclusive of all adjoining parking areas which are provided for parking by park users, are closed to the public from 11:00 p.m. to one hour prior to sunrise daily.
   B.   All city athletic fields and recreation centers and gymnasiums which may be located adjacent to park properties are excluded from this provision when they are being provided for programs and/or activities which are co-sponsored by the city.
   C.   Special permits granted by the city for overnight camping in parks are not subject to this section.
   D.   CITY PARK is defined as an area of land owned, leased, or operated by the city and developed for recreational use by the general public within the city limits.
(Ord. 291, passed 3-15-2005; Ord. 2017-002, passed 4-18-2017)
   A.   Definitions. The following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. All those items falling within the definition of beer, spirituous liquor, and wine, as defined in A.R.S. § 4-101.
   B.   Park classifications.
      1.   Mini-park. Local and close to home space. Specialized facilities that serve a concentrated or limited population or specific group such as tots or senior citizens. Service area for this type of park is less than one-fourth mile. The size of the park is less than one acre. The desirable characteristics are close to neighborhoods and in close proximity to apartment complexes.
      2.   Neighborhood park. An area for intense recreational activities such as field games, court games, crafts, playground apparatus area, skating, picnicking, wading pools, and the like. Service area for this type of park is between one-fourth to one-half mile radius to serve a population up to 5,000 people in a neighborhood. The desirable size is from one to 15 acres. The desirable characteristics are suitable for intense development and easily accessible to the neighborhood population, geographically centered, with safe walking and bike access. May be developed as a school park facility.
      3.   Community parks/specialized facilities. An area of diverse environmental quality. These parks may include areas suited for intense recreational facilities such as athletic complexes and large swimming pools. These areas may be ones of natural quality or outdoor recreation such as walking, viewing, sitting, picnicking, and other passive activities. It may be all or any combination of the above depending on the site suitability and community need. The service area to the community for this type of park is one to two miles and the size is from 15 to 25 acres. Community parks may also include features such as water bodies and areas suited for intense development. These parks are easily accessible to the neighborhood served.
   C.   Consumption prohibited. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited at all mini-parks. The consumption of alcoholic beverages may be permitted at neighborhood and community parks by permit.
   D.   Permit authorization. The Parks and Recreation Department is empowered to issue permits authorizing the consumption and possession of beer or malt liquor in neighborhood and community parks and to adopt rules and procedures for the issuance of such permits. Nothing herein, however, shall be deemed to authorize the consumption and possession of any alcoholic beverage in neighborhood and community parks which is prohibited by state law.
   E.   Exception.
      1.   Those areas specified as the premises covered by a city liquor license.
      2.   Other city facilities where special permits have been obtained pursuant to the present or future city rules and regulations for parks and recreational facilities.
   F.   Glass beverage containers prohibited. It shall be unlawful for a person to have a glass beverage container in his possession in any public park under the jurisdiction of the city.
(Ord. 291, passed 3-15-2005; Ord. 2017-002, passed 4-18-2017)