§ 12-5-8 EXTENSIONS.
   A.   Planned extensions. The city may from time to time, through the creation by the county of special taxing districts or by other means, plan sewer extensions in specific areas of the county. The costs of these extensions and terms of payment may be set forth individually by county ordinance or resolution.
   B.   Sewer extensions other than planned extensions. Where properties are to be served by extensions which are not planned extensions, sewer facilities shall be extended on the following basis.
      1.   Application (by developers or others). An application shall be required for extension of sewer service under the provisions hereof, and shall be in writing and signed by the developer or developers desiring city sewer service. The application shall be filed with the Public Works Director and shall include a legal description of the property and shall indicate the name, street address, lot and block number, and the street frontage of each site, along with the proposed usage. Each applicant shall agree to connect to and use the city sewer service for his or her property. No sewers, or connections to sewers, will be extended until the charges for sewer service, as further outlined, have been provided for.
      2.   Processing of application. Upon receipt by the Public Works Director of a proper application requesting a sewer main extension, it will be evaluated and, if not feasible, returned with the proper explanation. If feasible, the cost to the developer will be estimated and submitted to the developer for consideration. If the developer decides to proceed further with the project and final zoning of the project has been approved, at the developer's request, the Public Works Director shall prepare and submit an agreement specifying all terms and conditions for service and related costs to the developer.
      3.   Basis of payment for extensions. The cost to the developer shall be the payment of the connection charges and construction costs as further outlined. The allocation of costs for oversizing sewers and rebates in regard to off-site sewers are outlined in § 12-5-9E. and H.
      4.   Sewer extended past property line. Each developer may be required to extend one sewer line to an upstream limit of his or her property which will terminate at an upstream manhole determined by the Public Works Director with respect to the complete system, rather than at the end of the particular extension requested. At the discretion of the Public Works Director, temporary cleanouts at the property line may be allowed in lieu of extension to a proposed manhole location. The charges or costs to the developer will include the cost of sewer to the upstream property line of the development.
   C.   Right to refuse service. The city shall have the right at all times to refuse to extend service on the basis of a use detrimental to the sewer system, lack of payment of required fees, or for any reason which, in the opinion of the Public Works Director, will cause the extension not to be in the public interest. No payment of any costs, submitting of any petition, or any other act to receive sewer service shall guarantee sewer service.
(Ord. 121, passed 12-4-1979)