It is unlawful for any person to:
   A.   Place or cause to be placed any refuse upon any public or private property not owned or under his or her control;
   B.   Place or cause to be placed any unwrapped putrescible waste in any refuse container;
   C.   Place or cause to be placed more than a limited amount of filth in a refuse container, limits to be set by the Public Works Director or his or her agent;
   D.   Place or cause to be placed any unwrapped filth in any refuse container, unless the container is used only for that purpose;
   E.   Place or cause to be placed any unwrapped, small dead animal in a refuse container;
   F.   Fail to make arrangements for the removal of construction waste within 30 days after it is generated, but in no case before:
      1.   Final building inspection;
      2.   Clearance of public utilities; and/or
      3.   Issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
   G.   Place or cause to be placed refuse in a container not owned or maintained by him or her;
   H.   Burn or cause to be burned any refuse without the written permission of the city Fire Chief;
   I.   Permit or cause, willfully or negligently, the escape or flow of water in the quantity as to result in flooding, and impeding of vehicular or pedestrian traffic, thereby causing damage to public rights-of-way, private premises not owned by the person responsible for the generation, and creating a hazard to the traffic and a threat to the public health, safety, and welfare;
   J.   Fail to restrain any vicious animal and prevent interference with collection employees acting in the course of their employment;
   K.   Close or obstruct any right-of-way or impeding the normal operation of the various departments of the city, including, but not limited to, police, fire, ambulance, sanitation, water, sewer, and other utilities, such as electrical, gas, telephone, cable television, unless a special permit has been granted by the Public Works Department at least three days prior to closing the right-of-way;
   L.   Close or obstruct an alley unless the closing is for the purpose of making utility installations. Prior notification shall be provided to the city police in these instances;
   M.   Remove, haul, or cause to be removed any refuse, on or along any city right-of-way, street, or alley, unless the same is contained in watertight containers so constructed and load covered or protected so as to prevent any such refuse from falling, leaking, or spilling therefrom;
   N.   Any person hauling any refuse along the streets of the city shall immediately replace in the conveyance used for the hauling any refuse which may fall upon any street;
   O.   Any person to place or cause to be placed any refuse upon any public or private property within the city, except as specifically permitted in this chapter;
   P.   No person shall deny the City Manager or his or her authorized representative the right of ingress or egress to any premises for the purpose of inspecting all places and containers where rubbish or garbage is accumulated or kept;
   Q.   Failure for any person to maintain those areas in the streets or alleys between his or her property lines and to the center line of the right-of-way abutting his or her property free and clear of any litter, stored material, construction material, trees, weeds, bushes, or other potential hazards to public health, safety, and welfare;
   R.   Any person, firm, or corporation who shall place any refuse or debris upon any private or public property not owned or under the control of the person, firm, or corporation shall be guilty of violating this chapter and, in addition to any fine which may be imposed for violation of any provision of this code, shall be liable for all charges which may be assessed pursuant to this section for the removal of the refuse or debris;
   S.   It is unlawful for any person not authorized by the city to remove any solid waste from a receptacle or scatter the same upon a public alley, street, or public place;
   T.   No person or commercial establishment within the city shall be permitted to avoid or refuse to accept the solid waste collection and disposal service, and the failure of any person to accept the service shall not exempt the person from the payment of the charges herein set forth, unless his or her or its solid waste is disposed of by a city-permitted private collector; and/or
   U.   Any condition wherein flies breed is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. Any person who, upon written notification by the City Manager or his or her authorized agent, fails purposely to abate the nuisance shall be guilty of violating this chapter and, in addition to any fine which may be imposed for violation of any provision of this code, shall be liable for all charges which may be assessed pursuant to this section for the removal of the refuse or debris.
Penalty, see Article 1-8