A.   It shall be the duty of the City Enforcement Agent to apprehend any dog running at large contrary to the provisions of this chapter and to impound the dog.
      1.   Each unlicensed dog impounded shall be kept and maintained at the pound for a minimum of three days, unless a person claiming ownership furnishes proof of rights to the dog and pays all pound fees. At the expiration of the impoundment period, anyone may claim the dog, provided the person pays all established pound fees and complies with the licensing provisions of this chapter within 72 hours. If no person claims the dog, the City Enforcement Agent may dispose of or destroy the dog in a humane manner.
      2.   Any licensed dog impounded may be reclaimed, provided that a person reclaiming the dog furnishes proof of the right to do so and pays all established pound fees. If the dog is not reclaimed within six days, the City Enforcement Agent shall take possession and may place the dog for adoption or may dispose of or destroy the dog in a humane manner. Any person adopting the dog shall pay all established pound fees.
   B.   Impoundment costs for dogs picked up in the city shall include an assessment for each time the dog is impounded and an assessment for board each day the dog is cared for and fed while impounded, and the fees shall be set by resolution approved by the City Council and posted at the office of the City Enforcement Agent.
   C.   Any licensed or unlicensed dog impounded, which is apparently suffering from serious injuries or is in great pain or probably would not recover, or which has evidence of any infectious disease which is a danger to the other dogs or to humans, may be destroyed by the City Enforcement Agent or police officer of the city in as humane a manner as possible after reasonable efforts to notify the owner has failed.
   D.   Upon the impounding of a licensed dog, the owner shall be immediately notified in person, by mail, or by telephone, and he or she may reclaim the dog upon payment of all costs and charges incurred in the impounding and maintaining of the dog. If the owner of a licensed or unlicensed dog is unknown or unavailable and, in the discretion of the City Enforcement Agent, the dog should not be immediately destroyed, written notice shall be posted for three days in two conspicuous places in the city, generally describing the dog and the place of taking.
(Ord. 2012-004, passed 6-19-2012)