A. When an item or service is required which is thought to be available only from a single supplier, the following procedures shall be followed.
1. For purchases with an anticipated cost of $30,000 or less, a purchase requisition shall be transmitted to the purchasing agent indicating that only one source is known to exist. Efforts should be made by the requesting department to locate any other possible sources, and the names of those contacted who were unable to supply the required items or services shall be noted in the comment section of the requisition. The purchasing agent will review the requisition and attempt to identify any potential suppliers who are not listed on the requisition. If no other source is found, a purchase order will be issued to the sole supplier who is known to be capable of filling the order.
2. Request for sole-source purchases with an anticipated cost of over $30,000 shall be transmitted to the Purchasing Office in requisition form in the same manner as above, with the names of potential suppliers, except for proprietary purchases, who have been contacted by the requesting department listed on the requisition.
B. The purchasing agent will attempt to locate any other potential suppliers, and will publish notice of the proposed purchase in the newspaper for four consecutive days, with a request that anyone who wishes to be considered as a potential supplier contact the Purchasing Office. If any supplier other than the one previously identified is found to exist, then the purchase must be done through the formal bid process. If no other suppliers are discovered, the Purchasing Office will notify the department who will then submit a request for approval of the purchase to the City Council for consideration as an agenda item. If the City Council approves the purchase, a purchase order will be issued.
(Res. 2008-011, passed 2-19-2008)