(a)   Before any person is granted a permit for the construction, enlargement, alteration, repair or removal of any dwelling, building or other structure, which work may result in damage to a city street, highway, sidewalk, tree lawn, gutter or utility, he or she shall be required to deposit with the Director of Finance the sum of $500 for each such permit, as security that any such damage which may be caused will be repaired in a manner satisfactory to the city. The deposit shall be retained by the Director of Finance in a special fund for the purposes outlined herein until such time as the City Engineer certifies that all damage to the aforesaid property has been satisfactorily repaired or replaced. Upon such certification by the City Engineer, the deposit shall be returned to the person making the deposit, less a fee of $100 to cover inspection of the work.
   (b)   In the event that the person making the deposit fails to repair any of the damage, the city shall make arrangements for such necessary repairs or replacements and deduct the cost thereof from the deposit. If the deposit is insufficient to reimburse the city, the Director of Finance shall take the necessary steps to effect the collection of the remainder of the cost from the person making the deposit. If the deposit exceeds the cost of such repairs or replacements, the Director of Finance shall issue a check to return the excess to the person who made such deposit.
   (c)   The requirements of this section shall not apply to any person who has made a like deposit with the city for making a tap or connection to any water main, sewer or drain or for the repair thereof.
(Ord. 1988-235, passed 1-3-1989; Ord. 2005-152, passed 6-20-2005)