(a)   Before proceeding with the construction, enlargement, alteration, repair or removal of any building, other structure or appurtenances, including driveways, a permit shall first be obtained by the owner and/or his or her agent from the Chief Building Official and/or City Engineer. The application shall be made in writing and upon forms furnished by the Chief Building Official and/or City Engineer. It shall, except for removals, be accompanied by a complete set of specifications, and by a complete set of plans and working drawings made to a scale of not less than one-eighth of an inch to the foot, and on Mylar, paper or cloth, in ink or by a process which will not fade or obliterate. Plans and specifications for buildings or other structures, excluding industrial, office and commercial facilities, shall be signed by the owner and his or her agent.
   (b)   When the plans, drawings and specifications are found to conform to the requirements of this Building and Housing Code, the Chief Building Official and/or City Engineer shall issue a permit and affix to the plans, drawings and specifications an official stamp of approval. The plans, drawings and specifications shall then be returned to the applicant. One copy thereof shall be filed with the Chief Building Official and/or City Engineer before commencing the construction and shall remain on file per the City Building Department’s record of retention requirements. One copy of the plans, drawings and specifications, having the stamp of the Chief Building Official and/or City Engineer, is to be kept on the work until completed.
(Ord. 1994-126, passed 8-15-1994; Ord. 2005-152, passed 6-20-2005)