When the City Engineer or his or her duly authorized representative, upon inspection, determines that it is necessary to construct, grade, repair or replace any sidewalk, driveway apron or tree lawn area within the city in accordance with standards and specifications prescribed and on file in the office of the City Engineer, he or she shall prepare a statement of repair showing the location of the sidewalk, driveway apron or tree lawn, the nature of the construction, grading, repairs or replacement necessary, the materials to be used and the estimated cost thereof, and shall serve such statement and notice by certified United States mail to the owner of the property. If the certified mail is returned unclaimed or not accepted, delivery of such statement and notice shall be served via regular United States mail to the owner of the property. The notice may be served by publishing once in a newspaper of general circulation within the city if it cannot be served in a manner provided above. The notice shall fix a time within which construction, grading, repairs or replacement must be completed.
(Ord. 1990-27, passed 9-4-1990; Ord. 2012-118, passed 5-7-2012)