(A)   Whenever the Council of the village deems that sufficient funding is available either from qualifying village revenues or federal or state revenue sharing programs or grants, the Council may provide by ordinance for a cooperative assistance program whereby the village assists the property owner, in the construction or replacement of sidewalks in areas designated by Council's current resolution of necessity, by engaging a contractor on the basis of competitive bids to get the lowest possible cost and will pay a percentage of the cost, which percentage shall be determined by Council and the participating property owner will contribute the remaining percentage.
   (B)   Subject to the exceptions provided below, the village assists eligible property owners, in the repair or replacement of defective sidewalks on targeted streets, with a cooperative program whereby the village engages a contractor on the basis of competitive bids to get the lowest possible cost and the village will pay 40% of the cost and the property owner will pay 60% of the cost. The village will pay 100% of the cost of sidewalks within dedicated intersections of streets and alleys.
      (1)   This § 94.09 is amended to expand the cooperative assistance program for the repair and replacement of sidewalks within the downtown business district of the village providing for a grant of up to the entirety of the cost of the replacement or repair, subject to grant fund availability and village priority.
      (2)   Grant requirements shall be set forth in the grant program materials provided to eligible downtown property owners. Specifically excluded from eligibility are churches, schools and organizations exempted from village income taxation as set forth in § 94.09(C) below.
   (C)   Churches, schools and organizations exempted from village income taxation shall not be eligible to participate in this program and must bear the total cost. All other affected property owners shall be eligible to participate in the cooperative assistance program providing they enroll in the program within a time to be specified in written notice mailed to them in accordance with such resolution of necessity or ordinance to proceed with repair as may be applicable. In cases where special brick surfaced construction or special decorative effects have been approved, the village shall not contribute more than the amount which would be provided if a standard concrete surface were utilized; and, in such case, the property owner shall bear the additional costs of construction or repair.
   (D)   The village shall be responsible for repair of the berm side of sidewalks and property owners shall repair their side (grading, reseeding, and the like).
   (E)   The village shall budget a specific amount of available funds on an annual basis for repair and construction of sidewalks. Not more than 10% of this budgeted amount may be used on other streets where it is shown that special needs and circumstances exist.
   (F)   In the event that block grant or other special state or federal funding becomes available for use during a particular repair or construction project, then, the Village Council may provide for modification of the cooperative assistance program by subsequent action.
(Ord. 1988-14, passed 6-13-1988; Am. Res. 89-13, passed 5-8-1989; Am. Ord. 2017-27, passed 12-11-2017)