(a)   Intent. The intent of PO-PUD development is to fully integrate more than one use in a unified and fully pedestrian-connected planned project, thereby reducing vehicular trips using land efficiently, and tending to create more active and lively urban environments. A PO-PUD should encourage mixed-use development by removing regulatory obstacles and providing flexibility in its ordinances. In return, projects should authentically integrate more than one use to demonstrate the advantages of mixed-use development.
   (b)   Scope of regulations. The regulations set forth in this subchapter or set forth elsewhere in this chapter when referred to in this subchapter are the district regulations in the PO-PUD district.
   (c)   Forms.
      (1)    Streetcar Retail Employment (RE2).
      (2)    Parking-Oriented Retail Employment (RE3).
      (3)    Community Retail Employment (RE4).
      (4)   Regional Retail Employment (RE5).
      (5)    Multiple Dwelling—Small (MD1).
      (6)    Multiple Dwellings—Medium (MD2).
      (7)    Multiple Dwellings—Large (MD3).
      (8)    Attached Dwelling—Suburban Four-unit Townhome (AD2).
      (9)    Attached Dwelling—Suburban Eight-unit Townhome (AD3).
      (10)   Attached Dwelling—Traditional Eight-unit Townhome (AD4).
      (11)   Neighborhood Facilities (NF1).
      (12)   Neighborhood Residential Facilities (NF2).
      (13)   Business and Community Facilities— Small (BCF1).
      (14)   Basic Utilities (UT1).
      (15)   Tower Utilities (UT2).
      (16)   Conservation Open Space (OPEN1).
      (17)   Recreation Open Space (OPEN2).
   (d)   Initial development plan standards.
      (1)   Form setbacks. The forms of development shall generally follow the yard setbacks of all applicable forms allowed except in the following situations as shown on the initial development plan.
      (2)   The amount of residential and nonresidential development within the PO-PUD shall be indicated on the initial development plan by the number of acres and number of units. The mix of residential, commercial and office land uses shall be guided by chapter 4 of Shape Sioux Falls 2035 Comprehensive Plan.
      (3)   All initial development plans shall include the following standards:
         A.   Multiple buildings with residential, retail, and office land uses included.
         B.   Buildings are encouraged to accommodate more than one use.
         C.   Buildings within the PUD area should all be connected by internal streets and pedestrian connections and pathway as all included within the initial development plan.
         D.   The buildings may have common features such as parking, utility areas, signage, loading.
         E.   Common open space features shall be included within the initial development plan that are large enough to service the entire PUD area.
      (4)   Land use transitions. The initial development plan must show appropriate transitions of land uses within and on the edges of the PUD. The transitions to adjacent district land uses are based upon the Shape Sioux Falls 2035 Comprehensive Plan including the land use compatibility chart and policies within chapters 3, 4, and 5.
      (5)   Parking. The general parking standards shall be applied except the entire PUD may be looked at as a whole in regards to parking calculations as referenced by the initial development plan. An alternative parking plan may be incorporated into the initial development plan.
      (6)   Signage. The general signage standards shall be applied except that the entire PUD may be looked at as a whole in regards to signage calculations as referenced by the initial development plan. An alternative signage plan may be incorporated into the initial development plan.
      (7)   Landscaping. The general landscape standards of the zoning ordinance shall be applied except that an alternative landscape plan may be incorporated as a part of the initial development plan. Common open space may be counted toward the site’s landscape requirement if the open space is adjacent to the site as allowed within chapter 5 of the Shape Sioux Falls 2035 Comprehensive Plan. However, a common open space site may not be counted twice toward any site's landscape requirement.
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 22-15, passed 3-3-2015; Ord. 51-18, passed 6-5-2018)