General requirements. The maximum height and minimum lot requirements within the MD3 form shall be as follows:
Required Front Yard:
25 feet—*15 feet if provide open space through an alternative site plan [see §§ 160.594 et seq. (Alternative Site Plans)]. *One required front yard on corner lots may be 20 feet.
Required Side Yard:
10 feet—*5 feet if provide open space through an alternative site plan [see §§ 160.594 et seq. (Alternative Site Plans)].
Required Rear Yard:
10 feet—*5 feet if provide open space through an alternative site plan [see §§ 160.594 et seq. (Alternative Site Plans)].
Required Lot Frontage:
25 feet.
Maximum Height:
No limit; except 45 feet when located within 150 feet of AD and DD forms. *Additional setback is required when the building is above 55 feet in height. In these cases, add 1 additional foot for all setbacks for every 2 additional feet in height up to 20 feet additional feet of setback.
Maximum Size:
No limit—comply with fire and building codes.
Required Buffer Yard:
*30 feet total and Level C buffer yard when adjacent to DD1, DD2, DD3 and DD4 forms.
*15 feet total and Level B buffer yard when adjacent to DD5, DD6, DD7, AD1, AD2, AD3, AD4. and GW, HW.
* Parking lots or accessory buildings such as garages may be counted as the HW (Highway) buffer yard.
Buffer Yard Reduction:
10-foot reduction is allowed when parking is adjacent to a buffer yard.
* See § 160.488 for more buffer yard standards.
Minimum distance between multiple principal buildings on the same lot: 20 feet.
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019; Ord. 114-22, passed 10-4-2022)