In those areas within the city where a cable system offering cable service is currently placed underground, all facilities shall remain or be placed underground. In areas where telephone and electric utility facilities are aboveground at the time of a grantee’s installation, a grantee may install its facilities aboveground, provided that at a time as both electric and telephone utility facilities are placed underground, a grantee shall likewise place its facilities underground without cost to the city. In no event shall a grantee be authorized to place aboveground any facility that has previously been underground without prior approval from the city. Nothing contained in this section shall require a grantee to construct, operate and maintain underground any ground-mounted appurtenances. A grantee shall attempt to minimize the number and size of pedestals and boxes located on residential properties, and shall work with the city to mitigate the visual impact of the appurtenances.
(1992 Code, § 44-30) (Ord. 104-09, passed 11-16-2009)