(a)   The city shall be divided into election precincts.
   (b)   Each election precinct is described as follows.
      Precinct 1-4; described.
      Election precinct number 1-4 shall be bounded on the north by 41st St., from Louise Ave. east to Western Ave.; on the
      east by Western Ave., from 41st St. south to 57th St.; on the south by 57th St. from Western Ave. to Louise Ave.; on the west by Louise Ave. from 57th St., north to 41st St.
      Precinct 1-5; described.
      Election precinct number 1-5 shall be bounded on the north by 41st St., from Interstate 29 east to Louise Ave.; on the east by Louise Ave., from 41st St. south to 57th St.; on the south by 57th St. from Louise Ave. to Interstate 29; on the west by Interstate 29 from 57th St., north to 41st St.
      Precinct 1-6; described.
      Election precinct number 1-6 shall be bounded on the north by 32nd St., from Marion Rd. east to Interstate 29; on the east by Interstate 29, from 32nd St. south to 57th St.; on the south by 57th St., from Interstate 29 west to Marion Rd.; on the west by Marion Rd., from 57th St. north to 32nd St.
      Precinct 1-9; described.
      Election precinct number 1-9 shall be bounded on the east by Marion Rd. from 41st St. to 57th St., on the south by 57th St. from Marion Rd. west to Holbrook Ave.; on the west by Holbrook Ave. from 57th St. to 41st St.; on the north by 41st St. from Holbrook Ave. to Marion Rd.
      Precinct 1-10; described.
      Election precinct number 1-10 shall be bounded on the east by Holbrook Ave. from 41st St. to 57th St.; on the south by 57th St. from Holbrook Ave. to Sertoma Ave.; on the west by Sertoma Ave. from 57th St. to 41st St.; on the north by 41st St. from Sertoma Ave. to Holbrook Ave.
      Precinct 1-11; described.
      Election precinct number 1-11 shall be bounded on the west by Louise Ave. from Bitterroot St. to 57th St.; on the north by 57th St. from Louise Ave. to Western Ave.; on the east by Western Ave. from 57th St. to Bitterroot St.; and on the south by Bitterroot St. from Western Ave. to Louise Ave.
      Precinct 1-12; described.
      Election precinct number 1-12 shall be bounded on the west by Tallgrass Ave. from 85th St. north to the quarter section line between the north half and the south half of the southeast quarter, west on the quarter section line between the north half and the south half of the southeast quarter to Interstate 29, north on Interstate 29 to 57th St.; on the north by 57th St. from Interstate 29 east to Louise Ave.; on the east by Louise Ave. from 57th St. south to 69th St., west on 69th St. from Louise Ave. to Mogen Ave., south on Mogen Ave. from 69th St. to 74th St., east on 74th St. from Mogen Ave. to Hughes Ave., south on Hughes Ave. from 74th St., south to 85th St., and on the south by 85th St. from Hughes Ave. west to Tallgrass Ave.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 1-13; described.
      Election precinct number 1-13 shall be bounded on the north by 57th St. from the northwest property line of 5001 S. Anthony Ave. east to Marion Rd.; on the east by Marion Rd. from 57th St. south to W. Bakker Park Rd.; on the south by W. Bakker Park Rd., from Marion Rd. west to 61st St., west on 61st St. to Sundowner
      Ave.; on the west, north by Sundowner Ave. from 61st St. to the south property line of 5209 W. Sundowner Ave., west to the southwest property line of 5209 W. Sundowner Ave., north to the property line of 5204 S. Anthony Ave., west to Anthony Ave., north to the northwest property line of 5001 S. Anthony Ave.
      Precinct 1-14; described.
      Election precinct number 1-14 shall be bounded on the west by the west city limits from the south city limits to 57th St.; on the north by 57th St. from the west city limits to the northeast corner of 6601 W. 57th St.; on the east by 6601 W. 57th St. from 57th St. south to the southeast property line of 5208 S. Gazena Pl. (including 5305 S. Sundowner Ave.), west along the north property lines of W. 61st St. to the northeast property line of 6720 W. 61st St., south from the northeast property line of 6720 W. 61st St. south to the southeast property line of 6909 W. Jacob St.; on the south by the southeast property line of 6909 W. Jacob St. west to the west city limits, including 6001-6009 S. Sundowner Ave.
      Precinct 1-15; described.
      Election precinct number 1-15 shall be bounded on the west by Hughes Ave. from the south city limits north to 74th St., west on 74th St. to Mogen Ave., north on Mogen Ave. from 74th St. to 69th St.; on the north by 69th St. from Mogen Ave. to Louise Ave.; on the east by Louse Ave. from 69th St. to the south city limits; and on the south by the south city limits.
      Precinct 1-16; described.
      Election precinct number 1-16 shall be bounded on the north by the even-numbered properties along W. 61st St. from 6716 W. 61st St. east to Sundowner Ave.; along 61st St. east to W. Bakker Park Rd. and south and east on Bakker Park Rd. to Marion Rd.; on the east by Marion Rd. from Bakker Park Rd. north to 57th St., east to Interstate 29, south to the south city limits; on the south by the south city limits, from Interstate 29 west to Sundowner Ave.; on the west by the property line of 6125 S. Aaron Ave. to the north including the even- and odd-numbered properties along S. Aaron Ave. to the northwest property line of 6716 W. 61st St.
      Precinct 1-17; described.
      Election precinct number 1-17 shall be bounded on the east by Sertoma Ave. from 41st St. south to 57th St.; on the south by 57th St. from Sertoma Ave. west to the west city limits; on the west by the west city limits from 57th St. north to 41st St.; on the north by 41st St. from the west city limits east to Sertoma Ave.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 1-18; described.
      Election precinct number 1-18 shall be bounded on the west by Louise Ave. from the south city limits to Bitterroot St.; on the north by Bitterroot St. from Louise Ave. to Western Ave.; on the east by Western Ave. from Bitterroot St. to the south city limits; and on the south by the city limits from Western Ave. to Louise Ave.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 1-19; described.
      Election precinct number 1-19 shall be bounded on the east by Minnesota Ave. from 37th St. to the Big Sioux River; on the south by the Big Sioux River from Minnesota Ave. to Western Ave.; on the west by Western Ave. from the Big Sioux River to 37th St.; and on the north by 37th St. from Western Ave. to Minnesota Ave.
      Precinct 1-20; described.
      Election precinct number 1-20 shall be bounded on the west by S. Tallgrass Ave. from the south city limits north to 85th St., west on 85th St. to Interstate 29, north by Interstate 29 to the quarter section line between the north half and the south half of the southeast quarter; on the north by the quarter section line between the north half and the south half of the southeast quarter east to Tallgrass Ave., south on Tallgrass Ave. to 85th St., east on 85th St. from Tallgrass Ave. east to Hughes Ave.; on the east by Hughes Ave. from 85th St. south to south city limits; and on the south by the south city limits from Hughes Ave. west to S. Tallgrass Ave.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 2-1; described.
      Election precinct number 2-1 shall be bounded on the south by 57th St. from Cliff Ave. to Western Ave.; on the west and north by Western Ave. north to the Big Sioux River, then east along the Big Sioux River to Cliff Ave.; on the east by Cliff Ave. from the Big Sioux River south to 57th St.
      Precinct 2-2; described.
      Election precinct number 2-2 shall be bounded on the north by 26th St. from the Big Sioux River east to Southeastern Ave.; on the east by Southeastern Ave. from 26th St. south to 41st St., then east on 41st St. to Bahnson Ave., then on the east by Bahnson Ave. from 41st St. to 49th St.; on the south by 49th St. from Bahnson Ave. to Cliff Ave.; on the west by Cliff Ave. from 49th St. to the Big Sioux River, north along the Big Sioux River to 26th St.
      Precinct 2-3; described.
      Election precinct number 2-3 shall be bounded on the north by 26th St. from Southeastern Ave. to Bahnson Ave.; on the east by Bahnson Ave. from 26th St. to 41st St.; on the south by 41st St. from Bahnson Ave. to Southeastern Ave.; on the west by Southeastern Ave. from 41st St. to 26th St.
      Precinct 2-6; described.
      Election precinct number 2-6 shall be bounded on the north by 26th St. from Bahnson Ave. to Sycamore Ave.; on the east by Sycamore Ave. from 26th St. to 41st St.; on the south by 41st St. from Sycamore Ave. to Bahnson Ave.; on the west by Bahnson Ave. from 41st St. to 26th St.
      Precinct 2-7; reserved.
      Precinct 2-8; described.
      Election precinct number 2-8 shall be bounded on the north by 49th St. from the South Dakota Railroad Authority tracks east to Bahnson Ave.; on the east by Bahnson Ave. from 49th St. south to 57th St.; on the south by 57th St. from Bahnson Ave. west to the South Dakota Railroad Authority tracks; on the west by the South Dakota Railroad Authority tracks from 57th St. north to 49th St; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 2-9; described.
      Election precinct number 2-9 shall be bounded on the north by 49th St. from Cliff Ave. to the South Dakota Railroad Authority tracks; on the east by the South Dakota Railroad Authority tracks from 49th St. to 57th St.; on the south by 57th St. from the South Dakota Railroad Authority tracks to Cliff Ave.; on the west by Cliff Ave., from 57th St. to 49th St.
      Precinct 2-10; described.
      Election precinct number 2-10 shall be bounded on the west by Western Ave. from Laquinta St. to 57th St.; on the north by 57th St. from Western Ave. to Minnesota Ave.; on the east by Minnesota Ave. from 57th St. to Laquinta St.; on the south by Laquinta St. from Minnesota Ave. to S. Killarney Ct., follow along S. Killarney Ct. to W. Laquinta St., north on Laquinta St. to Western Ave.
      Precinct 2-11; described.
      Election precinct number 2-11 shall be bounded on the west by Minnesota Ave. from the south city limits to 57th St.; on the north by 57th St. from Minnesota Ave. to Tomar Rd.; on the east by Tomar Rd. from 57th St. along the extension of Tomar Rd. to the south city limits; on the south by the extension of Tomar Rd. at the south city limits from the east city limits to Minnesota Ave.
      Precinct 2-12; described.
      Election precinct number 2-12 shall be bounded on the west by Tomar Rd. from the south city limits to 57th St.; on the north by 57th St. from Tomar Rd. to S. Cliff Ave.; on the east by S. Cliff Ave. from 57th St. to the south city limits; on the south by the south city limits from Cliff Ave. to the extension of Tomar Rd. at the south city limits.
      Precinct 2-13; described.
      Election precinct number 2-13 shall be bounded on the west by S. Cliff Ave. from the south city limits to 57th St.; on the north by 57th St. from S. Cliff Ave. to Southeastern Ave.; on the east by Southeastern Ave. from 57th St. to the south city limits; on the south from Southeastern Ave. to S. Cliff Ave.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 2-14; described.
      Election precinct number 2-14 shall be bounded on the north by 41st St. from Bahnson Ave. east to Sycamore Ave.; on the east by Sycamore Ave. from 41st St. south to 57th St.; on the south by 57th St. from Sycamore Ave. west to Bahnson Ave.; on the west by Bahnson Ave. from 57th St. north to 41st St.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 2-15; described.
      Election precinct number 2-15 shall be bounded on the west by Western Ave. from the south city limits to Laquinta St.; on the north by Laquinta St. from Western Ave. to S. Killarney Ct., follow S. Killarney Ct. to W. Laquinta St., east on W Laquinta St. to Minnesota Ave.; on the east by Minnesota Ave. from Laquinta St. to the south city limits; on the south by the south city limits; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 2-16; described.
      Election precinct number 2-16 shall be bounded on the west by Southeastern Ave. from the south city limits to 57th St.; on the north by 57th St. from Southeastern Ave. to the east city limits; on the east by the east city limits from 57th St. to the south city limits; on the south by the south city limits from the east city limits to Southeastern Ave.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 2-17; described.
      Election precinct number 2-17 shall be bounded on the north by 41st St. from Sycamore Ave. to Veterans Parkway; on the east by Veterans Parkway from 41st St. south to 57th St.; on the south by 57th St. from Veterans Parkway west to Sycamore Ave.; on the west by Sycamore Ave. from 57th St. north to 41st St.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 2-18; described.
      Election precinct number 2-18 shall be bounded on the north by 41st St. from Veterans Parkway east to the east city limits; on the east by the east city limits from 41st St. south to 57th St.; on the south by 57th St. from the east city limits west to Veterans Parkway; on the west by Veterans Parkway from 57th St. to 41st St.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 3-1; described.
      Election precinct number 3-1 shall be bounded on the west by Interstate 29, from 26th St. south to 41st St.; on the south by 41st St., from Interstate 29 east to Western Ave; on the east by Western Ave., from 41st St. north, to 37th St., then west on 37th St. to Kiwanis Ave., then on Kiwanis Ave. north to 26th St.; on the north by 26th St., from Kiwanis Ave. west to Interstate 29.
      Precinct 3-5; described.
      Election precinct number 3-5 shall be bounded on the west by Interstate 29 from 6th St. (along the quarter section line extension) north to 60th St. N.; on the north by 60th St. N. from Interstate 29 east to Minnesota Ave.; on the east by Minnesota Ave. from 60th St. N. south to Russell St.; on the south by Russell St. from Minnesota Ave. west to West Ave., then south on West Ave. from Russell St. to 6th St; on the south by 6th St. (along the quarter section line extension) from West Ave. west to Interstate 29; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 3-9; described.
      Election precinct number 3-9 shall be bounded on the north by 12th St., from Skunk Creek to Interstate 29; on the east by Interstate 29 from 12th St. to Skunk Creek; on the south and west by Skunk Creek, from Interstate 29 to 12th St.
      Precinct 3-10; described.
      Election precinct number 3-10 shall be bounded on the east by Sertoma Ave., north to 32nd St., then east on 32nd St. from Sertoma Ave. to Queens Ave., then north to 26th St.; on the north by 26th St. from Queens Ave. to Discovery Ave.; on the west by Discovery Ave. south to Alexandra St., then east to Grinnell Ave., then south to 41st St.; on the south by 41st St. from Grinnell Ave. to Sertoma Ave.
      Precinct 3-11; described.
      Election precinct number 3-11 shall be bounded on the east by Coughran Ct. from 26th St. to Severn Ln., then north to Skunk Creek; on the north by Skunk Creek from Severn Ln. to 12th St., then west to Sertoma Ave.; on the west by Sertoma Ave. from 12th St. to 26th St.; on the south by 26th St. from Sertoma Ave. to Coughran Ct.
      Precinct 3-12; described.
      Election precinct number 3-12 shall be bounded on the south by 12th St. from Interstate 29 west to Skunk Creek; on the west by Skunk Creek from 12th St. north to Madison St.; on the north by Madison St. from the west city limits east to Interstate 29; on the east by Interstate 29 from Madison St. south to 12th St; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 3-13; described.
      Election precinct number 3-13 shall be bounded on the north by 32nd St., from Sertoma Ave. east to Marion Rd.; on the east by Marion Rd., from 32nd St. south to 41st St.; on the south by 41st St., from Marion Rd. west to Sertoma Ave.; on the west by Sertoma Ave., from 41st St. north to 32nd St.
      Precinct 3-14; described.
      Election precinct 3-14 shall be bounded on the south by Maple St. from Interstate 29 west to the west city limits; on the west by the west city limits from Maple St. north to Benson Rd.; on the north by Benson Rd. from the west city limits east to Marion Rd., north on Marion Rd. from Benson Rd. to 60th St. N.; on the north by 60th St. N. from Marion Rd. east to Interstate 29; on the east by Interstate 29 from 60th St. N. south to Maple St.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 3-15; described.
      Election precinct number 3-15 shall be bounded on the north by Skunk Creek, from Severn Ln. east to Interstate 29; on the east by Interstate 29, from Skunk Creek south to 32nd St.; on the south by 32nd St., from Interstate 29 west to Queens Ave.; on the west by Queens Ave., from 32nd St. north to 26th St., then east on 26th St. to Coughran Ct., then north on Coughran Ct. to Severn Ln., then north on Severn Ln. to Skunk Creek; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 3-16; described.
      Election precinct number 3-16 shall be bounded on the east by Skunk Creek from Sands St. south to 12th St., west on 12th St. from Skunk Creek to Sertoma Ave.; on the east by Sertoma Ave. from 12th St. south to 22nd St.; on the south by 22nd St. from Sertoma Ave. west to the west city limits; on the west by the west city limits from 22nd St. north to 12th St., west on 12th St. from Lakeside Dr. to the west city limits; on the west by the west city limits from SD HWY 42 north to Sands St.; on the north by Sands St. from the west city limits east to Skunk Creek; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 3-17; described.
      Election precinct number 3-17 shall be bounded on the south by 41st St. from Grinnell Ave. west to the west city limits; on the west by the west city limits from 41st St. north to Broek Dr.; on the north by Broek Dr. from the west city limits east to 32nd St., then east along 32nd St. to Grinnell Ave.; on the east by Grinnell Ave. from 32nd St. south to 41st St.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 3-18; described.
      Election precinct 3-18 shall be bounded on the south by Madison St. from Interstate 29 west to the west city limits; on the west by the west city limits from Madison St. north to Maple St.; on the north by Maple St. from the west city limits east to Interstate 29; on the east by Interstate 29 from Maple St. south to Madison St.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 3-19; described.
      Election precinct number 3-19 shall be bounded on the south by 32nd St. from Grinnell Ave. west to Broek Dr., then west along Broek Dr. to the west city limits; on the west by the west city limits from Broek Dr. north to 22nd St.; on the north by 22nd St. from the west city limits east to Sertoma Ave.; on the east by Sertoma Ave. from 22nd St. south to 26th St., west on 26th St. from Sertoma to Discovery Ave.; on the east by Discovery Ave. from 26th south to Alexandra St., then east to Grinnell Ave., then south to 32nd St.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 3-20; described.
      Election precinct 3-20 shall be bounded on the south by 60th St. N. from the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks west to Marion Rd.; on the east by Marion Rd. from 60th St. N. south to Benson Rd; on the south by Benson Rd. from Marion Rd. west to the west city limits; on the west by the west city limits from Benson Rd. north to the north city limits; on the north by the north city limits from the west city limits east to Interstate 29; on the east by Interstate 29 from the north city limits south to Interstate 90, then east along the north side of Interstate 90 from Interstate 29 to the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area; on the east by the Burlington Norther Railroad tracks from Interstate 90 south to 60 St. N.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 4-2; described.
      Election precinct number 4-2 shall be bounded on the east by Interstate 229 from 10th St. to the Big Sioux River; on the south by the Big Sioux River from Interstate 229 to Cliff Ave.; on the west by Cliff Ave. from the Big Sioux River to 10th St.; and on the north by 10th St. from Cliff Ave. to Interstate 229.
      Precinct 4-3; described.
      Election precinct number 4-3 shall be bounded on the east by Interstate 229 from 6th St. south to 10th St.; on the south by 10th St. from Interstate 229 to Cliff Ave.; on the west by Cliff Ave. from 10th St. north to 6th St.; and on the north by 6th St. from Cliff Ave. to Interstate 229.
      Precinct 4-4; described.
      Election precinct number 4-4 shall be bounded on the east by Interstate 229 from the Burlington Northern Railroad to 6th St.; on the south by 6th St. from Interstate 229 to Cliff Ave.; on the west by Cliff Ave. from 6th St. to the Burlington Northern Railroad; on the north by the Burlington Northern Railroad from Cliff Ave. to Interstate 229.
      Precinct 4-5; described.
      Election precinct number 4-5 shall be bounded on the west by Minnesota Ave. from Maple St. north to 60th St. N.; on the north by 60th St. N. from Minnesota Ave. east to Interstate 229; on the east by Interstate 229 from 60th St. N. south to Maple St.; and on the south by Maple St. from Interstate 229 west to Minnesota Ave; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 4-6; described.
      Election precinct number 4-6 shall be bounded on the west by Cliff Ave. from Rice St. north to Maple St., then east on Maple St. to Interstate 229; on the west by Interstate 229 from Maple St. north to 60th St. N., then west on 60th St. N. to the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks, then north from 60th St. N. to Dike Rd.; on the north by Dike Rd. from the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks east to Cliff Ave., then north on Cliff Ave. from Dike Rd. to 72nd St. N.; on the north by 72nd St. N. from Cliff. Ave. east to 476th Ave., then north along the north city limits to the east city limits; on the east by the east city limits from Interstate 90 south to Veterans Parkway, then south by Veterans Parkway to Rice St.; on the south by Rice St. from Veterans Parkway southwest to Cliff Ave.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 4-7; described.
      Election precinct number 4-7 shall be bounded on the south by Madison St. from the east city limits west to Sycamore Ave.; on the west by Sycamore Ave. from Madison St. north to Rice St.; on the north by Rice St. from Sycamore northeast to the east city limits; on the east by the east city limits from Rice St. south to Madison St.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 4-8; described.
      Election precinct number 4-8 shall be bounded on the south by 18th St. from Sycamore Ave. west to Bahnson Ave.; on the west by Bahnson Ave. from 18th St. north to 10th St., then from a point where a line would cross through Hills of Rest Cemetery from Bahnson Ave. to Locust Ave., then along Locust Ave. to 6th St.; on the north by 6th St. from Locust Ave. east to Sycamore Ave.; on the east by Sycamore Ave. from 6th St. south to 18th St.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 4-9; described.
      Election precinct number 4-9 shall be bounded on the east by Locust Ave. from 6th St. south along a line which would cross through Hills of Rest Cemetery to Bahnson Ave. to 18th St.; on the south by 18th St. from Bahnson Ave. west to Interstate 229; on the west by Interstate 229 from 18th St. north to 6th St.; and on the north by 6th St. from Interstate 229 east to Locust Ave; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 4-10; described.
      Election precinct number 4-10 shall be bounded on the east by Veterans Parkway from Arrowhead Parkway south to 18th St.; on the south by 18th St. from Veterans Parkway west to Sycamore Ave.; on the west by Sycamore Ave. from 18th St. north to Arrowhead Parkway; and on the north by Arrowhead Parkway from Sycamore Ave. east to the east city limits; excluding all unincorporated area within the bounded area.
      Precinct 4-11; described.
      Election precinct number 4-11 shall be bounded on the north by Madison St. from Sycamore Ave. east to Veterans Parkway; on the east by Veterans Parkway from Madison St. south to 10th St./South Dakota Highway 42; on the south by 10th St./South Dakota Highway 42 from Veterans Parkway west to Sycamore Ave.; on the west by Sycamore Ave. from 10th St./South Dakota Highway 42 north to Madison St.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 4-12; described.
      Election precinct number 4-12 shall be bounded on the east by the east city limits from 18th St. to 26th St.; on the south by 26th St. from the east city limits to Bahnson Ave.; on the west by Bahnson Ave. from 26th St. to 18th St.; on the north by 18th St. from Bahnson Ave. to the east city limits.
      Precinct 4-13; described.
      Election precinct number 4-13 shall be bounded on the east by Bahnson Ave. from 18th St. to 26th St.; on the south by 26th St. from Bahnson Ave. to the Big Sioux River; on the west by the Big Sioux River and Interstate 229 from 26th St. to 18th St.; and on the north by 18th St. from Interstate 229 to Bahnson Ave.
      Precinct 4-14; reserved.
      Precinct 4-15; described.
      Election precinct number 4-15 shall be bounded on the north by 26th St. from Sycamore Ave. east to Veterans Parkway; on the east by Veterans Parkway from 26th St. south to 41st St.; on the south by 41st St. from Veterans Parkway west to Sycamore Ave.; on the west by Sycamore Ave. from 41st St. north to 26th St.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 4-16; reserved.
      Precinct 4-17; described.
      Election precinct number 4-17 shall be bounded on the north by Madison St. from Veterans Parkway east to the east city limits; on the east by the east city limits from Madison St. south to South Dakota Highway 11/42; on the south by South Dakota Highway 11/42 from the east city limits west to 26th St., then west on 26th St. to Veterans Parkway; on the west by Veterans Parkway from 26th St. north to Madison St.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 4-18; described.
      Election precinct number 4-18 shall be bounded on the north by 26th St. from Veterans Parkway east to Six Mile Rd.; on the east by Six Mile Rd. from 26th St. south to 41st St.; on the south by 41st St. from Six Mile Rd. west to Veterans Parkway; on the west by Veterans Parkway from 41st St. north to 26th St.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 4-19; described.
      Election precinct number 4-19 shall be bounded on the south by 6th St. from Sycamore Ave. west to Interstate 229; on the west by Interstate 229 from 6th St. north to Rice St.; on the north by Rice St. from Interstate 229 northeast to Sycamore Ave.; on the east by Sycamore Ave. from Rice St. south to 6th St.; excluding all unincorporated areas within the bounded area.
      Precinct 5-1; described.
      Election precinct number 5-1 shall be bounded on the east by Minnesota Ave. from 10th St. to 18th St.; on the south by 18th St. from Minnesota Ave. to Hawthorne Ave.; on the west by Hawthorne Ave. from 18th St. to 12th St.; and on the north by 12th St. from Hawthorne Ave. continuing on 10th St. to Minnesota Ave.
      Precinct 5-2; described.
      Election precinct number 5-2 shall be bounded on the east by the Big Sioux River from 8th St. to Cliff Ave., then on Cliff Ave. from the Big Sioux River to 14th St.; on the south by 14th St. from Cliff Ave. to Minnesota Ave.; on the west by Minnesota Ave. from 14th St. to 8th St.; on the north by 8th St. from Minnesota Ave. to the Big Sioux River.
      Precinct 5-3; described.
      Election precinct number 5-3 shall be bounded on the east by Minnesota Ave. from 18th St. to 26th St.; on the south by 26th St. from Minnesota Ave. to Menlo Ave.; on the west by Menlo Ave. from 26th St. to 18th St.; and on the north by 18th St. from Menlo Ave. to Minnesota Ave.
      Precinct 5-4; described.
      Election precinct number 5-4 shall be bounded on the east by Cliff Ave. from 14th St. to 21st St.; on the south by 21st St. from Cliff Ave. to Minnesota Ave.; on the west by Minnesota Ave. from 21st St. to 14th St.; on the north by 14th St., then east by 14th St. from Minnesota Ave. to Cliff Ave.
      Precinct 5-6; described.
      Election precinct number 5-6 shall be bounded on the north and east by the Big Sioux River from Cliff Ave. to a point where 33rd St. extended intersects the Big Sioux River; on the south by 33rd St. extended from the Big Sioux River to Cliff Ave.; and on the west by Cliff Ave. from 33rd St. north to the Big Sioux River.
      Precinct 5-7; described.
      Election precinct number 5-7 shall be bounded on the east by Cliff Ave. from 21st St. to 33rd St.; on the south by 33rd St. from Cliff Ave. to 4th Ave.; on the west by 4th Ave. from 33rd St. to 21st St.; and on the north by 21st St. from 4th Ave. to Cliff Ave.
      Precinct 5-8; described.
      Election precinct number 5-8 shall be bounded on the east by 4th Ave. from 21st St. to 31st St.; on the south by 31st St. from 4th Ave. to Minnesota Ave.; on the west by Minnesota Ave. from 31st St. to 21st St.; and on the north by 21st St. from Minnesota Ave. to 4th Ave.
      Precinct 5-9; described.
      Election precinct number 5-9 shall be bounded on the east by Minnesota Ave. from 26th St. to 37th St.; on the south by 37th St. from Minnesota Ave. to Grange Ave.; on the west by Grange Ave. from 37th St. to 26th St.; and on the north by 26th St. from Grange Ave. to Minnesota Ave.
      Precinct 5-10; described.
      Election precinct number 5-10 shall be bounded on the east by Grange Ave. from 26th St. to 37th St.; on the south by 37th St. from Grange Ave. to Willow Ave.; on the west by Willow Ave. from 37th St. to 26th St.; and on the north by 26th St. from Willow Ave. to Grange Ave.
      Precinct 5-12; described.
      Election precinct number 5-12 shall be bounded on the east and south by the Big Sioux River to Minnesota Ave.; on the west by Minnesota Ave. from the Big Sioux River to 31st St.; and on the north by 31st St. from Minnesota Ave. to 4th Ave., south on 4th St. to 33rd St., continuing east on 33rd St. to a point where 33rd St. extended intersects the Big Sioux River.
      Precinct 5-15; described.
      Election precinct number 5-15 shall be bounded on the east by Cliff Ave. from the Burlington Northern Railway south to the Big Sioux River; on the south and west by the Big Sioux River from Cliff Ave. to 6th St.; on the north by 6th St. from the Big Sioux River to the Burlington Northern Railway, then the Burlington Northern Railway to Cliff Ave.
      Precinct 5-18; described.
      Election precinct number 5-18 shall be bounded on the east by Minnesota Ave. from 1st St. to 10th St.; on the south by 10th St. from Minnesota Ave. to Prairie Ave.; on the west by Prairie Ave. from 10th St. to 6th St., then on 6th St. from Prairie Ave. to West Ave., then north from 6th St. to Russell St.; and on the north by Russell St. from West Ave. to Prairie Ave., then on Prairie Ave. from Russell St. to 1st St., then on 1st St. from Prairie Ave. to Minnesota Ave.
      Precinct 5-19; described.
      Election precinct number 5-19 shall be bounded on the north by 26th St., from Kiwanis Ave. east to Willow Ave.; on the east by Willow Ave., from 26th St. south to 37th St.; on the south by 37th St., from Willow Ave. west to Kiwanis Ave.; on the west by Kiwanis Ave., from 37th St. north to 26th St.
      Precinct 5-20; described.
      Election precinct number 5-20 shall be bounded on the east by Hawthorne Ave. from 12th St. to 18th St.; on the south by 18th St. extended from Hawthorne Ave. to Interstate 29; on the west by Interstate 29 from a point where 18th St. extended intersects Interstate 29 to 12th St.; on the north by 12th St. from Interstate 29 to Hawthorne Ave.
      Precinct 5-21; described.
      Election precinct number 5-21 shall be bounded on the east by Menlo Ave. from 18th St. to 26th St.; on the south by 26th St. from Menlo Ave. to Interstate 29; on the west by Interstate 29 from a point where 26th St. extended intersects Interstate 29, to a point where 18th St. extended intersects Interstate 29; on the north by extended 18th St. from Interstate 29 to Menlo Ave.
      Precinct 5-22; described.
      Election precinct number 5-22 shall be bounded on the east by Prairie Ave. from 6th St. to 10th St.; then on 10th St. from Prairie Ave. to Menlo Ave., then on Menlo Ave. from 10th St. to 11th St. and the South Dakota Highway 42 intersection; on the south by South Dakota Highway 42 and 12th St. from Menlo Ave. to Interstate 29; on the west by the Interstate 29 from 12th St. to a point where 6th St. extended intersects Interstate 29; on the north by 6th St. extended from Interstate 29 to Prairie Ave.
      Precinct 5-23; described.
      Election precinct number 5-23 shall be bounded on the east by Cliff Ave. from Maple St. to the Burlington Northern Railroad; on the south by the Burlington Northern Railroad from Cliff Ave. to 6th St., then by 6th St. from the Burlington Northern Railroad to the Big Sioux River, the Big Sioux River from 6th St. to 8th St.; on the south by 8th St. from the Big Sioux River to Minnesota Ave.; on the west by Minnesota Ave. from 8th St. to 1st St., then by 1st St. from Minnesota Ave. to Prairie Ave., then by Prairie Ave. from 1st St. to Russell St., then by Russell St. from Prairie Ave. to Minnesota Ave., then by Minnesota Ave. from Russell St. to Maple St.; on the north by Maple St. from Minnesota Ave. to Cliff Ave.
(1992 Code, § 14-2) (Ord. 90-01, passed 10-15-2001; Ord. 34-02, passed 5-6-2002; Ord. 20-04, passed 3-1-2004; Ord. 33-04, passed 3-8-2004; Ord. 47-05, passed 5-2-2005; Ord. 112-05, passed 11-7-2005; Ord. 93-06, passed 8-7-2006; Ord. 23-08, passed 2-11-2008; Ord. 24-08, passed 2-11-2008; Ord. 58-08, passed 5-12-2008; Ord. 126-08, passed 10-20-2008; Ord. 74-09, passed 8-3-2009; Ord. 5-10, passed 2-8-2010; Ord. 88-11, passed 11-21-2011; Ord. 100-15, passed 11-2-2015; Ord. 6-16, passed 2-1-2016; Ord. 77-17, passed 8-15-2017; Ord. 124-19, passed 12-3-2019; Ord. 158-21, passed 12-14-2021; Ord. 117-23, passed 12-19-2023; Ord. 11-24, passed 2-13-2024)