§ 34.008 CANON SIX.
   (a)   A city council member should limit his or her extra-governmental activities to minimize the risk of conflict with his or her official duties.
   (b)   City council members should inform themselves concerning campaign finance, conflicts of interest and other appropriate city, state and federal laws and should scrupulously comply with the provisions of the laws.
   (c)   City council members should refrain from financial and business dealings that tend to reflect adversely on the city or on city government or to interfere with the proper performance of official duties.
   (d)   City council members should manage their personal financial interests to minimize the number of cases in which they must refrain from discussion and voting on matters coming before the city council.
   (e)   Information acquired by city council members in their official capacity should not be used or disclosed in financial dealings or for any other purpose not related to official duties.
(1992 Code, App. E) (Ord. 34-00, passed 4-11-2000)