(A)   Filing application. Any person desiring a license required by this chapter shall make application therefor to the Town Clerk-Treasurer.
   (B)   Payment of fee. Upon approval of the application by the Town Council, and after payment of the required fee, the Clerk-Treasurer shall issue a permit as requested. The fee shall be in the amount as set by resolution of the Town Council and the current fee schedule is available at the office of the Town Clerk-Treasurer. The collection of the hauler’s fee from residents of the town is the hauler’s responsibility and the Town Council shall not be held accountable therefor.
   (C)   Term of permit. The permit, once granted, shall be good until terminated by the town or the hauler, or until nonpayment of the annual fee by the hauler.
   (D)   Right to deny permit. The town reserves the right to deny a permit to any applicant.
   (E)   Number of permits. The town may issue an unlimited number of permits hereunder.
(Prior Code, § 4-5-3; Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-4-2024)