(A)   Exceptions. All licensees and permittees holding a license or temporary license or permit under this chapter shall be controlled by the schedule for hours of operations set forth in division (B) below, with the exception of the following temporary licenses and permits where such indicate other hours:
      (1)   Street closure permit issued pursuant to § 4-1C-5; and
      (2)   Extended club hours permit issued pursuant to § 4-1C-4.
   (B)   Hours of operation stipulated. The hours of operations for all licensees and permittees, subject to the exception in division (A) above, shall be as follows: a licensee may open the licensed building at 6:00 a.m. and shall close the licensed building and cease the sale of alcoholic and malt beverages promptly at 2:00 a.m. the following day and shall clear the licensed building and any other area in which dispensing alcoholic and malt beverages is authorized of all persons other than bona fide employees by 2:30 a.m.
   (C)   Modification of hours. The hours of operation designated in division (B) above may be modified on no more than four days each calendar year by a resolution or agreement made each year by the town designating those dates during town or county fairs, rodeos, pageants, special holidays, or similar public gatherings when all licensees may operate their licensed building and any other area in which dispensing alcoholic and malt beverages is authorized for a period of 24 hours, beginning at 6:00 a.m. A request of the licensees for such dates to be designated shall be brought to the Council not later than the second Council meeting in January of each year.
(Prior Code, § 4-1D-1) (Ord. 381, passed 11-16-2017)