   Where the town Mayor has given permission for open cut utility installations in existing paved streets or a paved street requires repair, the following minimum standards shall apply for pavement repair.
   (A)   Subgrade shall be compacted to 95% standard proctor density at within 5% optimum moisture.
   (B)   Adjacent concrete pavement shall be saw cut a depth of two inches true to line, squared, and removed with a jackhammer.
   (C)   Adjacent asphalt pavement shall be saw cut or jackhammered within an asphalt chisel true to line, squared, and removed with a jackhammer.
   (D)   Subgrade shall be uniform depth from edge to edge.
   (E)   Concrete thickness, compressive strength, finish, jointing, and curing shall be per figure in § 9-3-8.
(Prior Code, § 9-3-4)
§ 9-3-5 TOWN WORK.
   Town employees are hereby authorized to perform all work required under the terms of this chapter, but such work shall be at the discretion of the Town Maintenance Department and shall not interfere with other duties. In the event town employees perform such services, the landowner for whose benefit the work is performed shall pay to the town an hourly charge for its employees, determined by the town, such equipment charges as the town may impose, and all material and other costs to the town.
(Prior Code, § 9-3-5)
   The landowner for whose benefit work is performed under the terms of this chapter shall obtain a certificate either from the Town Building Inspector or a licensed civil engineer certifying compliance with the term of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 9-3-6)
   The landowner for whose benefit the work is performed shall bear all costs for the work covered by this chapter, including all material, labor, and inspections.
(Prior Code, § 9-3-7)
Note to figure: Concrete shall be 3,000 psi 28 day compressive strength. Concrete shall be sprayed with a paraffin sealer within two hours of the pour. Joints shall be at a minimum of ten feet by ten feet, knifed to three-fourths of the concrete depth and groove troweled. Pavement widths less than ten feet shall be jointed in squares equal in length to width. Trench width less than two feet shall be jointed in five-foot lengths. All concrete shall receive a broomed finish.
(Prior Code, § 9-3-8)