This Department shall be comprised of a Commissioner, who, together with the Chief of Police, shall supervise matters relating to law enforcement, policing, pollution, refuge, solid waste and weed control, nuisances and otter matters affecting public safety and health.
(Ord. 82-1, passed 2-2-1982)
(A) A city recreational board, to be called "The Simpsonville Parks and Recreation Board," is hereby created and established to initiate, maintain and conduct a park, playground, community center and recreational system, to have all powers and duties as hereinafter provided, as well as prescribed and/or permitted under KRS Chapter 97.
(B) These provisions shall govern as follows.
(1) The Board shall consist of seven members who shall be residents of the City of Simpsonville, except that up to two of those members can reside outside the city, one of which will be a sitting City Commissioner, to be appointed by the Mayor with approval of the City Commission. The remaining City Commissioners, including the Mayor, shall be ex officio members of the Board, but without voting rights. A quorum for any meeting shall be at least four members with the regular business being conducted by majority of those present.
(2) The following are qualifications for membership:
(a) At least 25 years of age;
(b) Reside in the city; or be full time employed in the city; or own real property in the city; and
(c) Not more than one member to be principally engaged in business as a member or employee of the same person, firm or corporation.
(3) Members are to be appointed for a term of four years; terms to be staggered. Members may be reappointed for consecutive terms of four years.
(4) Vacancies on the Board are to be filled by appointment for the unexpired term by the Mayor with the approval of the City Commission.
(5) At the first meeting of the Board in June 2007, and annually in the month of June thereafter, the members of the Board shall select from its membership: one member to serve as Chairperson; one member to serve as Vice-Chairperson; one member to serve as Secretary; and one member to serve as Treasurer. All positions selected above shall begin their terms of service at the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1) and be in effect for one fiscal year.
(6) The Board shall hold regular meetings at least once monthly. The Chairperson or Vice- Chairperson may call special meetings. All meetings shall be held in compliance with the Kentucky Open Meetings laws.
(7) The Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson, in his or her absence, shall preside at meetings. The Secretary shall keep written minutes of all meetings. In the absence of the Secretary, the Chair shall designate a member to keep the minutes.
(8) The Treasurer shall execute a bond conditioned on the faithful performance of his or her duties sufficient in amount to cover the total funds expected to come into hand from all sources.
(9) The system is to be funded and financed by the city in addition to fees and monies generated by the activities sponsored by the system. The city may appropriate money out of the general fund of the city for the purpose of expanding, equipping, maintaining and operating the park, playground, community or recreation center and system.
(10) The Board shall submit a budget of proposed receipts and expenditures to the City Commission for its approval before April 1 of each year in order that the approved appropriation from the city may be included in the budget of the city; the fiscal year of the Board shall be from July 1 to June 30 of each year.
(11) The Board may levy and collect fees for the use of or admission to the projects or system or activities conducted under its auspices and may expend or invest the income from the fees for the purposes set forth in this section. All such funds shall be under the direct control of the Board and shall be maintained in appropriate bank accounts and deposited and expended from the account or accounts.
(12) The Board may appoint various committees under its jurisdiction and shall provide rules and regulations for the governance of the committees. The members of the committees need not be residents of the city. The committees and members of such committees shall be responsible to the Board and shall render the reports to the Board as required by the Board.
(13) The Board may provide for, maintain and conduct the parks, playgrounds, community and recreational center and buildings thereon and expend necessary funds as available for such purposes.
(14) The Board may nominate for employment qualified personnel as superintendents, supervisors or other employees as it deems necessary and proper, subject however, to approval of such employment and salary by the City Commission. Any salary increase in excess of 5% annually shall be submitted to the City Commission for approval.
(15) Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but the affirmative vote of three members shall be necessary for the adoption of any motion, resolution, order or the approval of any matter under consideration.
(16) The accounts of the Board and the system and the records of the Board, shall be subject to audit by a certified public accountant once each year, together with and by the same accounting firm as the City of Simpsonville annual audit.
(Ord. 94-8, passed 1-7-1994; Am. Ord. 2007-002, passed 5-16-2007; Am. Ord. 2007-004, passed 7-3-2007; Am. Ord. 2010-006, passed 5-19-2010)