(A)   The Zoning Enforcement Officer has the duty to review the following permits in the Silverton Renaissance Overlay District for compliance with the base requirements of the district and any other applicable sections of this Zoning Code.
      (1)   Signs: Permits for the installation of all signs.
      (2)   Awnings: Permits for the installation of all awnings.
      (3)   Mechanical equipment and utilities: Permits for the installation of all exterior mechanical equipment and utility service connections.
      (4)   Replacement windows: Permits for the installation of replacement windows.
      (5)   Exterior renovation or alterations of existing structures: Permits for exterior renovations, alterations, or additions.
      (6)   Eating and drinking establishments: Permits for restaurants, taverns and bars.
      (7)   Parking: Permits for parking facilities to serve adjoining commercial and/or residential uses.
   (B)   All other proposed changes to a site or structure located in this district is subject to the applicability requirements of the site plan review subchapter set forth in §§ 153.160 through 153.168.
(Ord. 09-3306, passed 10-15-09)