VACATION ACCRUAL - Vacation is accrued on the basis of time as a regular, full- time employee of the Village and as determined for previous public service employment. Vacation hours shall be credited in 26 pay period accrual increments, except during leave without pay situation when such benefits are normally suspended or during other times as authorized by the Mayor.
   NOTE: All reference to “year” relates to the individual employee’s start date of employment at the Village.
   (a)   Vacation hours shall accrue at the following rates:

Service Credit Required
Hours Accrued per pay period
Annual hours
26 pay periods
First year through completion of the fifth year
3.077 hours
Sixth year through completion of tenth year
4.615 hours
Eleventh year through completion of fifteenth year
6.154 hours
Following completion of fifteen years
7.693 hours
   Current employees who have reached the next level of accrual as of 1-1-2010 may stay at that level until the next service credit requirement is met.
(Ord. 21-2010. Passed 3-15-10; Ord. 82-2023. Passed 12-18-23; Res. 04-2024. Passed 1-16-24.)
(b)   No vacation time may be taken within the first six months of employment at the Village unless otherwise authorized by the Mayor.
(Ord. 134-2001. Passed 12-3-01.)
   (c)   Earned Vacation Not Taken.
(1)   An employee may carry forward up to one year’s worth of the earned vacation into the following year. The maximum carry-forward for each employee shall be determined according to the annual accrual outlined in Section 139.02(a). Exceptions to this provision may be granted by the Mayor with approval of Council. (Except that, in order to facilitate the initiation of this subsection, the time to use an employee’s vacation balance existing on January 1, 2002 is extended until the employee’s anniversary date in the year 2004 and the carry-forward limitation on earned and accrued vacation under this subsection shall take effect on the employee’s second anniversary date following the effective date of this subsection.) Such carry-over must be used in the year following the year in which the vacation time was earned.
(2)   The Village encourages its employees to utilize vacation benefits as “time-off”, therefore no payment shall be made in lieu of vacation not taken except at the convenience of the Village, with certification by the Clerk-Treasurer of available funds, and with the written approval of the Mayor. Further, payment for vacation not taken shall be limited to two weeks in any one year except as hereinafter provided and shall be included in the wage payment made in conjunction with the next full pay period following the employee’s anniversary date.
   (d)   After twelve months of full-time employment each full-time employee, with their supervisor’s approval, may take one personal day annually. This personal day must be used before the employee’s next anniversary date.
      (Ord. 73-2002. Passed 8-5-02.)
   (e)   For purposes of calculating the rate of accrual of vacation time, a full-time employee, at the time of hire or thereafter, may apply for his or her prior service, provided the employee separated service in good standing, in state, county, or local government employment, or active duty while in the U.S. military or State militia. Granting such additional service time, and the amount thereof, shall be discretionary with the appointing authority, but in no case, at the time of application, shall the employee be granted an accrual rate greater than one step above the entrant or current accrual rate and then only to the lowest service year credit in such step. See Section 139.02 (a). Former governmental part-time service at the Village only shall be included for the vacation service credit, prorated against a 2,080 hour work year.
      (Ord. 37-2013. Passed 5-6-13.)
   (f)   An employee’s accrued vacation balance is fully paid out upon termination.
   (g)   In the event of a death of an employee, the employee’s estate will receive payment for any accrued vacation time.
      (Ord. 134-2001. Passed 12-3-01.)
   (h)   Vacation for Regular Part-Time Employees. After one year of employment, a regular part-time employee, who works on a yearly average of thirty hours a week or more, shall be granted vacation leave equal to the total number of hours worked in the previous year, beginning at the employee anniversary date, divided by fifty-two, and rounded to the nearest half hour. Unused vacation time shall be limited to twenty hours total and shall not be accrued or carried over to the following year. Nevertheless, each week an employee will not be paid for hours in excess of the employee's scheduled hours. Accumulated unused vacation hours will not be compensated to the employee upon termination.
      (Ord. 14-2020. Passed 3-2-20.)
(i)   It shall be the responsibility of the supervisor to schedule vacations so that the essential and necessary services of the Village can be maintained.
(j)   Vacation at Retirement.
(1)   Vacation Provisions for Retirement Planning.
A.   Notwithstanding the aforesaid, on the anniversary date occurring in the year preceding the calendar year of retirement, an employee may, at such employee’s option and providing notice is given to the Mayor with copy to the Clerk-Treasurer by March 1 of that year (the year preceding the year of retirement), defer all or part of the employee’s vacation balance until retirement in the succeeding calendar year. If the employee fails to retire as indicated, such employee’s rights to defer future vacation time shall be lost. The retiring employee, in the calendar year of retirement, may elect to receive a lump sum payment at retirement for:
1.   Any vacation deferred from the previous year.
2.   All earned and accrued vacation to the date of retirement regardless of when the employee’s anniversary date of employment occurs during the calendar year of retirement.
B.   Retirement for purposes of the above is limited to those employees who have completed a minimum of fifteen years of service and who have otherwise satisfied the requirements of the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System or the Ohio Police and Firemen’s Pension and Disability Fund as to permit regular retirement benefits.
(2)   Upon retirement, employees not electing the provisions in subsection (1)A. above may choose to receive a lump sum payment for any unused vacation time earned under this section.
(3)   All lump sum payments are subject to federal, state, and local taxes, and pension deductions in accordance with the Rules and Regulations currently adopted and as amended from time to time by the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) or the Ohio Police and Firemen’s Pension and Disability Fund.
(Ord. 134-2001. Passed 12-3-01.)