Ord. No.   Date   Description
5-1929   1-7-29   Grants right to Northern Ohio Power and Light Co., to use streets, alleys and public grounds for maintenance of electric system.
26-1929   5-6-29   Grants permission to Ohio Bell Telephone Co., to use streets, alleys and public ways for cable extension.
10-1938   2-2-38   Accepts easement from Ohio Edison Co., for street purposes.
16-1940   1940   Receives right of way from City of Cuyahoga Falls for sewer construction.
15-1941   4-14-41   Grants permission to Ohio Bell Telephone Co., to lay wires under Stow-Cuyahoga Falls Rd.
21-1941   6-2-41   Amends Ord. 16-1940 above.
24-1941   6-2-41   Accepts easement for sewer purposes from trustees of Silver Lake Estates.
26-1951   6-14-51   Accepts easement for sewer and water lines through lots #1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Silverlawn Subdivision.
51-1964   12-28-64   Accepts easement at 1472 Graham Rd., for installation of sanitary sewer line.
72-1994   10-3-94   Appropriates temporary and permanent easements in certain parcels of land in the Village owned by Elaine Ruby.
73-1994   10-3-94   Purchase of temporary and permanent easements for the 1994 Sanitary Sewer Project.
120-1995   1-16-96   Grants an easement to Summit County to operate its sanitary sewer service.
39-1996   5-6-96   Accepts storm water drainage easements for 3170 and 3177 Silver Lake Blvd.
56-1997   8-4-97   Grants a permanent easement effectively dividing sublot 347 in Silver Lake Estates.
50-1998   6-1-98   Accepts waterline easements on Crystal Lake Drive.
17-2001   2-5-01   Accepts stormwater drainage easement on Dover Road.
81-2004   9-20-04   Accepts a storm sewer easement on property located at 2966 Silverview Drive.
85-2004   9-20-04   Accepts a storm sewer easement on property located at 2970 Silverview Drive.
112-2008   11-17-08   Accepts an easement on Crystal Park Property for the use of Village owned vehicles.
39-2012   7-2-12      Accepts a sanitary sewer easement on property located at 3079 Silver Lake Boulevard.
54-2012   9-4-12      Accepts the dedication of easement at 2872 and 2879 Silver Lake Boulevard, and the existing Stone Pillars within the easements.
62-2014   7-21-14   Grants an easement to Dominion East Ohio to place and maintain a natural gas pipeline across Fenwick Park.
50-2017   6-19-17   Grants a Driveway Access Easement to the owner of the premises at 1618 Graham Road, Bonnie L. Adkins.
108-2017   11-20-17   Grants an easement upon Village property located at 2841-45 Kent Road for the construction and maintenance of an East Ohio Gas Company (Dominion Energy Ohio) natural gas distribution line.
6-2023      1-17-23   Accepts the storm water dainage easements located at 3177 and 3179 Silver Lake Boulevard.