(a)   No person, firm or corporation shall commence to demolish a building without first having made application to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and without first having obtained a zoning permit from the office of the Clerk-Treasurer and a demolition permit from the Village’s authorized Building Department.
   (b)   A person may obtain permits to demolish his own building or part thereof if the following conditions are met:
(1)   The building does not exceed 400 sq. ft. in size.
(2)   A written explanation describing the proposed work, and other additional information as deemed necessary by any of those responsible for the enforcement of this chapter is presented.
(3)   The applicant signs an agreement stating all standards as set forth in Section 1345.04 shall be met.
(4)   A performance deposit in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) is deposited with the office of the Clerk-Treasurer.
(5)   Proof of insurance is provided.
   (c)   Any person, firm or corporation hired as a contractor or subcontractor may obtain permits to demolish a building or part thereof, if the following conditions are met:
(1)   A written explanation describing the proposed work, and other additional information as deemed necessary by any of those responsible for the enforcement of this chapter is presented.
(2)   The applicant signs an agreement stating that all standards shall be complied with as set forth in Section 1345.04.
(3)   If deemed necessary by any of those responsible for the enforcement of this chapter, a pre-job conference may be required. Those who determine the necessity for a pre-job conference shall determine the parties who shall participate in such conference. Such parties may include, but are not limited to, the applicant contractor, subcontractor, Police Department, Water and Sewer Department and Engineer of the Village of Silver Lake and utility companies.
(4)   No permit shall be granted unless the applicant files a surety bond to the Village in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) on the condition that the applicant shall pay any and all damages and injuries which may occur to any private or public property; and that the applicant shall save, indemnify and hold harmless the Village against all liabilities, judgement, costs and expenses which may in any way accrue against the Village in consequence of the granting of such permits, and shall in all things strictly comply with the condition of the permits.
(5)   The applicant shall promote evidence of liability insurance of not less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) for personal injury liability and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for property damage liability and, in addition thereto, certification that all employees of the applicant are covered by Ohio Workers’ Compensation or equivalent insurance. (Ord. 102-1996. Passed 11-4-96.)