(a)   Any person, firm or corporation demolishing any building or part thereof shall adhere to the following standards:
(1)   All utility services shall be disconnected and equipment removed by the utility companies.
(2)   All concrete basement floors shall be broken up for proper drainage.
(3)   All basement walls shall be reduced to two feet below existing ground level.
(4)   All sanitary sewers shall be plugged at the outlet with concrete.
(5)   A basement cavity may be filled with noncombustible material to a level two feet below existing ground level, as noted in subsection (a)(3) hereof. Such noncombustible material shall not exceed an individual dimension larger than a standard cement block.
(6)   From two feet below existing ground level to four inches above existing ground level, the basement cavity shall be filled with clean fill material.
(7)   All rubbish, debris, lumber, glass or other materials from a razed or demolished building, shall be removed upon completion of demolition.
(8)   Any person demolishing a building or part thereof shall erect barricades as specified by the Director of Public Service and shall provide lights at the barricades between sunset and sunrise.
(9)   Any person, firm or corporation demolishing any building or part thereof shall provide to the Zoning Office of the Village of Silver Lake, prior to the issuance of a demolition permit, a certificate issued by a pest control operator certifying that the property to be demolished is free and clear of food products, pests and/or rodent infestation; and if food products, pests, and/or rodent infestation are found to be on the premises, the property shall be exterminated prior to demolition.
(10)   Any person, firm or corporation demolishing any building or part thereof shall provide to the Village’s authorized Building Inspector, prior to the issuance of a demolition permit, a certificate or other documentary proof establishing that the site at which the demolition materials are to be disposed of has been properly certified as an approved materials disposal site or transfer site approved by the applicable state and/or local site approval authorities.
(11)   If any building or part thereof which is being razed or demolished contains asbestos in quantities or under circumstances subjecting such asbestos to federal and/or state asbestos removal regulations, the removal of such asbestos shall be performed only by a person, firm or corporation certified by the applicable Federal and/or State approval authorities for such removal and shall be performed in accordance with the methods and procedures required by applicable Federal and/or State statutes and regulations. If there is any question or uncertainty regarding the existence of asbestos subject to Federal or State asbestos removal regulations, no permit shall be issued and no work shall be commenced until a determination of the need for special asbestos removal procedures has been determined by the Village’s authorized Building Inspector and County Health Department.
   (b)   The Director of Public Service shall have the authority to implement any and all such requirements as may be necessary to effect the complete, safe and sanitary demolition of all properties, and to include the reclamation of the property following demolition.
(Ord. 102-1996. Passed 11-4-96.)