No person shall deposit or scatter trash, garbage, or other refuse on any public streets maintained in the township.
(Ord. 12-05, passed 8-8-2012) Penalty, see § 91.99
No person shall cause or permit the burning of yard waste on any public property or roads.
(Ord. 12-05, passed 8-8-2012) Penalty, see § 91.99
(A) This section is prepared so that all reasonable costs of collection of garbage/rubbish from property specially assessed can be accomplished after the owner/occupant of the property is given every reasonable opportunity for the removal of blight, garbage, and/or rubbish.
(B) All causes of blight, as defined by the Silver Creek Township Blight Ordinance, shall be considered as garbage and rubbish as defined in M.C.L.A. § 41.722(2)(1)(f).
(C) All waste that must be disposed of in a sanitary landfill shall be considered garbage and rubbish, as defined in M.C.L.A. § 41.722(2)(1)(f).
(D) Garbage and rubbish shall be removed by the owner and/or occupant of the real property.
(E) When garbage and rubbish is not properly removed, the owner and/or occupant shall be sent by regular mail to the place of mailing the township tax bill and to the address of the premises, if different, notice for the owner/occupant to appear at the next township meeting that is at least nine days from the date of mailing to show cause why a suit should not be filed for the collection and removal of all garbage/rubbish from the property.
(F) If the garbage and rubbish is not removed as directed by the township, the township, through its attorney, shall cause to be filed a lawsuit to abate the nuisance by removal of garbage and rubbish in the County Circuit Court. Said suit shall permit the township to enter the property and to remove the garbage and rubbish and to proceed to have the cost assessed against real property as defined.
(G) The township shall then proceed to specially assess the specific property for the collection and removal of garbage and rubbish as defined by Public Act 188 of 1954, being M.C.L.A. § 41.721.
(Ord. 07-01, passed 5-9-2007)
(A) For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
(1) OWNER. Any person or entity with any ownership or possessory right or interest, including deed holders and land contract vendees (whether recorded or unrecorded), mortgagees, lessees, and other tenants, residents, and any agent of any of same.
(2) UNCONTROLLED PLANT GROWTH. Any non-woody vegetation exceeding a height of 18 inches; except where such vegetation is not out of character with the development of the landscaping in the surrounding area within 500 feet, and also excepting all small grain or food crops, such as wheat, corn, oats, barley or rye, and garden vegetables and shall include cultivated flowers and gardens.
(B) All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds, grasses or uncontrolled plant growth in excess of 18 inches. All weeds and grasses shall be prohibited.
(C) Exemptions.
(1) A-R District;
(2) Natural shoreline restoration and preservation projects in all districts; and
(3) Large tracts of undeveloped lots in R-l District over one acre.
(Ord. 19-02, passed 2-13-2019)