§ 51.01  PURPOSE.
   It is hereby determined to be desirable and necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare of the Township of Silver Creek (the “township”) that the Indian Lake Wastewater Sewer System (Township of Silver Creek) be operated by said township as lessee of the county and the County Department of Public Works, on a public utility rate basis in accordance with the provisions of Public Act 94 of 1933, as amended, being M.C.L.A. §§ 141.101 through 141.138 (“Act 94”).
(Ord. 89-1, passed 9-13-1989)
   (A)   Whenever the words “the system” are referred to in this chapter, they shall be understood to mean the complete Indian Lake Wastewater Sewer System (Township of Silver Creek), including all sewers, pumps, lift stations, treatment facilities, and all other facilities used or useful in the collection, treatment, and disposal of domestic, commercial, or industrial wastes, including all appurtenances thereto and including all extensions and improvements thereto, which may hereafter be acquired.
   (B)   Whenever the words “revenues” and “net revenues” are used in this chapter, they shall be understood to have the meanings as defined in § 3 of Act 94, being M.C.L.A. § 141.103.
(Ord. 89-1, passed 9-13-1989)
   The operation and maintenance of the system shall be under the supervision and control of the County Department of Public Works subject to the terms of the contract between the county and the township. Pursuant to the terms of such contract, the township has retained the exclusive right to establish, maintain, and collect rates and charges for sewer collection and disposal service and in such capacity the Township Board may employ such person or persons in such capacity or capacities as it deems advisable and may make such rules, orders, and regulations as it deems advisable and necessary to assure the efficient establishment, maintenance, and collection of such rates and charges.
(Ord. 89-1, passed 9-13-1989)
   Rates to be charged for service furnished by the system shall be as follows.
   (A)   Sewer use charges.
      (1)   Sewer user charges to each single family residential premises served by the system shall be in the flat amount of $35 per month. Each premises other than a single family residence shall pay a monthly charge of $35 multiplied by a factor representing a ratio of sewage use by such class of premises to normal single family residential sewage use. The Silver Creek Township Board shall adopt and revise from time to time by Board Resolution a schedule for such single family residence equivalents or ratios, provided, however, that the minimum monthly charge to any premises shall be $35.
      (2)   A delinquency charge of 10% of each quarters charge shall be added to such charge if the payment is not received by the Township Treasurer on or before such due date. If such quarterly amount(s) remain unpaid after four quarters, an additional fee of 10% of the total balance unpaid shall be added.
   (B)   Connection charges.
      (1)   Direct connection. Each connection to the system shall be charged a fee of $4,200 per single-family residence.
      (2)   Indirect connection. In order to defray the proportioned share of the necessary oversizing of trucks and pumping stations, for each indirect connection to the system there shall be charged a fee of two-thirds of a direct tap-in per single-family residence equivalent. An indirect connection shall be defined as one made to lines added to the system after its original construction, the cost of which is paid from special assessments or private funds.
      (3)   Equivalent user factor. Each premises, other than residence, shall pay a connection charge multiplied by a factor representing a ratio of sewage use by such class of premises to normal single-family residential use. See § 51.14.
      (4)   Payment of connection charge. Connection charges as set forth above shall be due and payable upon connection to the system. Said charges, however, may be payable on yearly installments not to exceed 20 in number. Interest at the rate of 9% per annum shall be charged on the unpaid balance of said connection charge from time to time remaining unpaid. If paid in installments, the first installment of said connection charge shall be payable on connection and all subsequent installments plus interest shall be payable on December 1 of each succeeding year.
      (5)   Pumping and filling of septic tanks and dry wells. Within 60 days after connection to the system, all existing septic tanks and dry wells shall be pumped and filled with sand in accordance with County Health Department requirements.
      (6)   Future connections. Future connections shall be $6,250. A future connection shall be any connection requested after April 1, 1990, excepting existing dwellings.
      (7)   Permits and inspections. Before connection to the system, all users shall obtain a permit for connection from the Building Inspector at a cost of $20. The permit application shall include a diagram of the proposed connection prepared by the applicant. Before covering the connection, the Building Inspector shall certify the diagram and allow cover to take place.
      (8)   Connection of certain drains is prohibited. No person shall make connection of roof downspouts, exterior footing or foundation drains, areaway drains, storm drains, or other points of entry of surface runoff or ground water to a building sewer or building drain which in turn is connected directly or indirectly to the public sewer system. Discharge from and mechanical appliance as geothermal, water furnaces, and similar.
      (9)   Public safety requirements: restoration. All excavations for building sewer installation and connection to the public sewer system shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored at the cost of the property owner in a manner satisfactory to the township and all other governmental entities having jurisdiction. The connection fee, inspection fee, user charge, user surcharge, miscellaneous customer fee, pretreatment rates and charges, drainage violation fee and the civil penalty imposed pursuant to § 51.99.
      (10)   Cost of installation of building sewer and connection to public sewer; indemnification. All costs and expenses incidental to the installation of the building sewer and the connection thereof to the public sewer system shall be borne by the owner of the property being connected. No such work shall be commenced before such owner obtains any necessary permission to work in the public right-of-way from the township, the County Road Commission, and, if applicable, the Michigan Department of Transportation. Said owner shall indemnify the township from all loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be caused by the installation and connection of the building sewer to the public sewer system.
   (C)   Special rates. For miscellaneous or special services for which a special rate shall be established, such rates shall be fixed by the Township Board.
   (D)   Billing. Bills will be rendered monthly on the first day of each month, payable without penalty within 30 days after the date thereon. Payments received after such period shall bear a penalty of 5% of the amount of the bill.
   (E)   Enforcement.
      (1)   The charges for services which are under the provisions of § 21 of Act 94, being M.C.L.A. § 141.121, made a lien on all premises served thereby, unless notice is given that a tenant is responsible, are hereby recognized to constitute such lien, and whenever any such charge against any piece of property shall be delinquent for six months, the township official or officials in charge of the collection thereof shall certify annually, on August 1 of each year, to the tax assessing officer of the township the facts of such delinquency, whereupon such charge shall be by him or her entered upon the next tax roll as a charge against such premises and shall be collected and the lien thereof enforced, in the same manner as general township taxes against such premises are collected and the lien thereof enforced; provided, however, where notice is given that a tenant is responsible for such charges and service as provided by said § 21, no further service shall be rendered such premises until a cash deposit in the amount of $250 shall have been made as security for payment of such charges and service.
      (2)   In addition to the foregoing, the township shall have the right to shut off sewer service to any premises for which charges for sewer service are more than three months delinquent, and such service shall not be reestablished until all delinquent charges and penalties and a turn on charge, to be specified by the Township Board, have been paid. Further, such charges and penalties may be recovered by the Township by court action.
(Ord. 89-1, passed 9-13-1989; Ord. 90-2, passed 8-8-1990; Ord. 99-1, passed 4-7-1999; Ord. 09-06, passed 8-12-2009; Ord. 09-09, passed 9-9-2009; Ord. 12-01, passed 2-8-2012; Ord. 17-03, passed 5-10-2017)  Penalty, see § 51.99
   No free service shall be furnished by said system to any person, firm, or corporation, public or private, or to any public agency or instrumentality.
(Ord. 89-1, passed 9-13-1989)
   It is hereby determined and declared that public sanitary sewers are essential to the health, safety, and welfare of the people of the township; that all premises on which structures in which sanitary sewage originates are situated shall connect to the system at the earliest, reasonable date as a matter for the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare of the people of the township, and therefore, all premises on which structures in which sanitary sewage originates are situated or become situated and to which sewer services of the system shall be available shall connect to said system within 90 days after the mailing or posting of notice of such premises by the appropriate township official that such services are available. Said notification and enforcement of this section shall be in conformity with applicable state law.
(Ord. 89-1, passed 9-13-1989)
   The rates hereby fixed are estimated to be sufficient to provide for the payment of the expenses of administration and operation, such expenses for maintenance of the said system as are necessary to preserve the same in good repair and working order, to provide for the payment of the contractual obligations of the township to the county pursuant to the aforesaid contract between said county and the township as the same become due, and to provide for such other expenditures and funds for said system as this chapter may require. Such rates shall be fixed and revised from time to time as may be necessary to produce these amounts.
(Ord. 89-1, passed 9-13-1989)