The Township shall make all reasonable efforts to eliminate interruption of service, and when such interruption occurs, will endeavor to reestablish service with the shortest possible delay. Whenever service is interrupted for purpose of working on the System, all Users affected by such interruption will be notified in advance whenever it is possible to do so. The Township shall, in no event, be held responsible for claims made against it by reason of the breaking of any mains or service pipes, or by reason of any other interruption of the service caused by the breaking of machinery or stoppage for necessary repairs; and no person shall be entitled to damages nor have any portion of a payment refunded for any interruption.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 8-8-2001)
The rates to be fixed hereunder shall be sufficient to provide for the cost of Operation and Maintenance of the System and, in accordance with the Wastewater Treatment Agreement, the Publicly Owned Treatment Works, as are necessary to preserve the same in good repair and working order. Such rates shall be fixed and revised from time to time as may be necessary to produce these amounts. An annual audit shall be prepared. Based on this audit, rates for Sewage services shall be reviewed annually and revised as necessary to meet system expenses and to ensure that all User Classes pay their proportionate share of the cost of Operation and Maintenance.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 8-8-2001)
(A) In order that the provisions of this chapter and the Sister Lakes Area Sanitary Sewage Disposal System may be reasonably applied and substantial justice done in instances where this chapter or the Sister Lakes Area Sanitary Sewage Disposal System is misapplied or unnecessary financial hardship would result from carrying out the strict letter of this chapter or the Sister Lakes Area Sanitary Sewage Disposal System, an informal hearing before the Authority may be requested in writing by any Person or User deeming itself aggrieved by a citation, order, charge, fee, surcharge, penalty, or action within 30 days after the date thereof, stating the reasons therefore with supporting documents and data.
(B) The informal hearing shall be scheduled at the earliest practicable date, but not later than 15 days after receipt of the request, unless extended by mutual written agreement. The hearing shall be conducted on an informal basis at the Township Hall or at such place as designated by the Authority. The Authority may grant the appeal, reject the appeal, or schedule a second informal hearing not more than ten days after the initial hearing to allow time for study or to gather additional information. At the conclusion of the informal hearing, the Authority shall vote on the appeal in the presence of the appellant. The Authority shall issue a written statement of its decision within 15 business days after the informal hearing.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 8-8-2001)
The Township Board shall serve as a Board of Appeals. The duty of such Board shall be to consider appeals from the decision of the Authority and to determine, in particular cases, whether this chapter or the Sister Lakes Area Sanitary Sewage Disposal System has been misapplied or any deviation from strict enforcement will violate the intent of this chapter or the Sister Lakes Area Sanitary Sewage Disposal System or jeopardize the public health or safety. In all appeals, the appellant shall have the burden of proof.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 8-8-2001)