   If connection to the Public Sewer System is required by this chapter, but there is no Available Public Sanitary Sewer System adjacent to the premises, or if a property owner elects to extend the Public Sewer, such extension shall be in accordance with the following requirements, unless modified by the terms of a written agreement between the Township and the property owner pursuant to § 50.030.
   (A)   The sewer main shall be extended to the premises in a public right-of-way or in an easement owned by the public adjacent to the premises in question. If the sewer is to be extended for the purpose of serving a new development including, but not limited to, a site condominium, subdivision, or division of land which involves the installation of a new public or private road, the sewer main shall be extended throughout such new road so that the sewer abuts all units or lots within the development, within an easement dedicated to the public if not located in a public street right-of-way.
   (B)   If a sewer main is extended to a premises, the main shall be installed across the entire frontage of the premises served, to the border of the adjacent premises. For developments for which a new public or private road is constructed, the sewer main shall be extended across the entire frontage of the development on the existing adjacent public or private road, in addition to being extended within the new road to all lots or units within the development. All sewer main extensions shall be located within an easement dedicated to the public, if not located in a public street right-of-way.
   (C)   The sewer main shall be constructed in accordance with specifications approved by the Township.
   (D)   Upon completion of the sewer main, verification by the Township Inspector that it has been properly constructed, and proof that all contractors have been paid for the cost thereof (including lien waivers if requested), the sewer main shall be dedicated to the Township, without cost to the Township. Upon acceptance of dedication, the Township shall thereafter be responsible for maintenance of the sewer main. The Township shall be assigned, or be a third party beneficiary of, all construction contracts and material and equipment warranties.
   (E)   The person responsible for installing the sewer shall also reimburse the Township for the cost of acquisition of right-of-way, if necessary, including attorney fees, appraisal fees, cost of land title research, and all other expenses of any condemnation proceedings. The person responsible for installing the sewer shall pay an amount to the Township, in advance, at least equal to the estimated fees for such acquisition. Any excess not required to complete the improvements shall be refunded to the responsible party; any shortfall shall be paid before connection of any premises is permitted.
   (F)   The entire cost of installation of the sewer main including, but not limited to, engineering, construction, permits, and restoration shall be paid by the owner or owners of the premises to whom sewer is being extended.
   (G)   In addition to the extension of a sewer main as required, the owner of premises to be connected to the system shall reimburse the Township for the cost of making improvements to downstream facilities, which are necessary as a result of the additional connections proposed to be made by the owner of the premises or by a development which will be provided with public sewer including, but not limited to, increasing the size of downstream sewer mains to provide sufficient capacity, increase in the capacity of lift stations, and increase in treatment capacity of the Wastewater Treatment Plant. In such a situation, the responsible party and the Township shall enter into an agreement whereby the responsible party pays to the Township, in advance, an amount equal to at least the estimated cost of making such improvements. Any excess not required to complete the improvements shall be refunded to the responsible party; any shortfall shall be paid before connection of any premises is permitted.
   (H)   In its discretion, the Township Board may require the person requesting the extension or required to construct an extension to provide at the sole expense of said person an engineering report by a consulting engineer acceptable to the Township addressing the cost and feasibility of the proposed extension in the context of the foregoing conditions.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 8-8-2001)
   The Township shall have the authority to negotiate agreements for sewer extensions with landowners, developers and other municipalities, which agreements may take into consideration issues of demand, benefit, capacity, necessity, timing and funding and may provide for construction advances, prepayment of rates and charges, pay back arrangements of up to ten years and similar matters.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 8-8-2001)
   If a Public Sewer System is not available to a parcel of land located in the Service District in accordance with the provisions of §§ 50.020 through 50.030, the building sewer shall be connected to private Sewage Disposal Facilities constructed in compliance with requirements of the Health Department and the MDEQ.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 8-8-2001)
   The owner shall operate and maintain the private Sewage Disposal Facilities in a sanitary manner at all times, at no expense to the Township.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 8-8-2001)
   No statement contained in §§ 50.045 through 50.048 shall be construed to interfere with any additional requirements that may be imposed by the Township, the Health Department, the MDEQ, or any other governmental agency with jurisdiction.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 8-8-2001)
   At such time as the Public Sewer System becomes available to a parcel served by private Sewage Disposal Facilities in accordance with §§ 50.020 through 50.030, the Building Sewer shall be connected to the Public Sewer System in compliance with this chapter and the private Sewage Disposal Facilities shall be abandoned for sanitary use in the manner required by the Health Department.
(Ord. 01-03, passed 8-8-2001)