   The township hereby establishes a Police Department to be known as the Silver Creek Township Police Department.
(Ord. 04-08, passed 9-8-2004)
§ 32.03  AUTHORITY.
   The township’s Police Department shall have the full power to enforce township ordinances and state laws.
(Ord. 04-08, passed 9-8-2004)
   The office of the Township Ordinance Enforcement Officer is hereby established.
(Ord. 11-01, passed 3-16-2011)
   The Township Board is hereby authorized to appoint by motion and/or resolution any person or persons to the office of Ordinance Enforcement Officer for such term or terms as may be designated in said motion or resolution and for such compensation as the Board may determine. The Board may further, by motion and/or resolution, remove any person from said office at the discretion of the Board.
(Ord. 11-01, passed 3-16-2011)
§ 32.17  AUTHORITY.
   The Ordinance Enforcement Officer is hereby authorized to enforce all ordinances of the township, whether heretofore or hereafter enacted, and whether such ordinances specifically designate a different enforcing official or do not designate any particular enforcing officer. Where a particular officer is so designated in any ordinance, that officer’s authority shall continue in full force and effect and shall not be diminished or impaired by the terms of this subchapter, and the authority of the Ordinance Enforcement Officer shall be in addition and supplementary to the authority granted to such other specific officer. An Ordinance Enforcement Officer shall, in the performance of the officer’s duties, be subordinate and responsible to the Supervisor or such other Township Board member as the Township Board may from time to time designate.
(Ord. 11-01, passed 3-16-2011)
§ 32.18  DUTIES.
   The Ordinance Enforcement Officer’s duties shall include the following:
   (A)   Investigation of ordinance violations;
   (B)   Issuing and serving ordinance violation notices;
   (C)   Issuing aid serving appearance tickets as authorized under 1968 Public Act 147, as amended, being M.C.L.A. § 764.9c;
   (D)   Issuing and serving municipal ordinance violation notices and municipal civil infraction citations as authorized under Public Act 12 of 1994, as it may from time to time be amended, being M.C.L.A. §§ 600.8701 et seq.;
   (E)   Appearance in court or other judicial or quasi judicial proceedings to assist in the prosecution of ordinance violators; and
   (F)   Such other ordinance enforcing duties as may be delegated by the Township Board, Township Supervisor, or other township official authorized to assign such duties.
(Ord. 11-01, passed 3-16-2011)