(A)   The entire facility must be aesthetically and architecturally compatible with the surrounding environment. The use of residential compatible material such as wood, brick, and stucco is required for associated support buildings which shall be designed to architecturally match the exterior of residential structures within the neighborhood.
   (B)   The structure shall be located and constructed in compliance with the following criteria.
      (1)   Location criteria.
         (a)   Facilities shall be sited to minimize views from residential areas or the public right-of-way.
         (b)   Concentration of support structures will be limited in all geographic areas to avoid excessive visual impact.
         (c)   The structure shall be located on the site of not less than two acres and should be a rectangular parcel not to exceed a three to one ratio.
         (d)   Minimum spacing between towers shall be four miles.
      (2)   Development and design standards.
         (a)   Support structure shall be located as to be screened from view by sitting them near tall buildings or placed near existing trees.
         (b)   Whenever possible, support structures shall be of a monopole design.
         (c)   Support structures shall be located a minimum of 150 feet from residential lot lines.
         (d)   Support structures shall be painted in unobtrusive colors.
         (e)   Support structures shall be designed to prevent unauthorized climbing.
         (f)   When lighting is required by the FAA or other federal or state authority, it shall be the minimum required to meet regulations and the same shall be approved by the Zoning Board. Any lighting for associated support buildings shall be subject to Zoning Board approval. It shall be oriented inward so as not to project into surrounding properties.
         (g)   The Zoning Board will require anti-climbing devices and security fencing of at least six feet preventing access to the associated building, tower, and/or guyed wires.
         (h)   Signs and logos are prohibited on the tower.
         (i)   All signal and remote control conductors of low energy extending substantially horizontally above the ground between a tower or antenna and structure, or between towers, shall be at least 16 feet above the ground at all points, unless buried underground.
         (j)   Towers shall be located so that they do not interfere with television, radio, or short wave radios reception in nearby residential areas.
         (k)   Existing on-site vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent practicable; however, the site shall be maintained in harmony with the surrounding properties. Where the property line of a site containing a wireless communication structure abuts a residentially zoned, the operator shall provide a plant screen sufficient in density and height so to have an immediate buffering impact on adjacent property.
         (l)   There shall be no employees located on the site on a permanent basis to service or maintain the antenna. Occasionally or temporarily repair and service activities are excluded from this restriction.
         (m)   Antenna and metal towers shall be grounded for protection against a direct strike by lightning and shall comply as to electrical wiring and connections with all applicable local statutes, regulations, and standards.
         (n)   Towers with antennas shall be designed to withstand a uniform wind loading as prescribed in the Building Code.
         (o)   Structures shall be subject to current state and federal regulations concerning nonionizing electromagnetic radiation. If more restrictive state or federal standards are adopted in the future, the antenna shall be made to conform or the special use permit will be subject to revocation by the Township Board. Cost for testing and verification of compliance shall be borne by the operator of the antenna.
         (p)   All structures associated with the facility shall be located on the property owned or leased by the communications company operating the facility including all guyed wires and anchors relating thereto.
         (q)   The access road leading to the facility shall be constructed of gravel and/or aggregate sufficient to maintain adequate access to the site. A driveway permit, where necessary, will be sought and received by the applicant prior to issuance of any building permit.
         (r)   The applicant is responsible for seeking and receiving any and all permits required for the site location including, but not limited to, FAA, Michigan Aeronautics Commission, Cass County Road Commission, and the like.
         (s)   To ensure compliance with the above criteria, the township may require a bond to assure compliance with the same.
      (3)   Safety standards. All new wireless communication facilities shall be designed within the applicable ANSI standards.
(Ord. passed 7-30-2015)