20.32.030   Determinations of conformity.
   A.   Full build-out conceptual site plan. The Gateway Center North commercial center will be developed in phases, and each new development will undergo a separate site plan and design review (SPDR) by the Planning Commission. Therefore, the adoption of the specific plan includes a full build-out conceptual site plan which represents the completion of all phases of development of the commercial center. The full build-out conceptual site plan will remain on file with the Community Development Department. As the phased development is reviewed under SPDR, the Planning Commission will be required to first determine that the proposed use is a permitted use within the Gateway Center North specific plan. The Planning Commission will also be required to make a determination of substantial conformity with the full build-out conceptual site plan, including the number, location, orientation, and size of commercial buildings, parking, circulation, and landscape areas. In order to facilitate these determinations for each phase of development, the commercial center project has been divided into Areas One through Four.
   B.   Conceptual design elements. A determination of conformity of building design and materials requires that at the time of SPDR, the Planning Commission make a determination that the building design for each phase of development substantially conforms to the Gateway Center North specific plan approved design elements. The required design elements include:
      1.   Variation of building roofline, angle, and height;
      2.   Variation of building materials and colors;
      3.   Combined use of stone, siding and window treatments; and
      4.   Articulation of elevations to reduce mass.
   C.   Phased development areas. It is anticipated that build-out of the Gateway Center North commercial center will be completed in four phases, maximum. The first phase is known, but the timing and sequence of the additional phases is not known. In the first phase is the interior and exterior remodel of the existing Target retail store, including construction of a tower element, and new tenant signs. In the subsequent phases, which may be one or two phases, construction of a new one hundred seventy-seven thousand three hundred forty-five square-foot storage facility and twenty-three thousand five hundred square feet of freestanding commercial pads, including a five thousand square-foot drive-thru restaurant will occur. The phased review process includes review of each phase of development by the Planning Commission during SPDR. Each of the four possible phases of development have been identified as Areas One through Four on the approved area conceptual site plan on file with the Community Development Department. The area boundaries are the building footprints and are described within the separate area sections of this specific plan. Each area has its own development standards and will be required to be in substantial conformity with the full build-out conceptual site plan, as well as the approved conceptual design elements in order for the Planning Commission to make the required determinations of conformity. Specific conditions of approval for each area SPDR will be prepared at the time of the SPDR and will include detailed building, design, parking, circulation, and landscape conditions. The specific SPDR conditions will be dependent on the timing of development of the particular area, and the status of improvements at the time of review. The goal of the conditions of approval for each area of development will be to ensure that full build-out of the Gateway Center North commercial center will conform to the full build-out conceptual site plan and the approved design elements. (Ord. 2021-05-1519 § 5 (part))