The purpose of this title is to encourage, classify, designate, regulate, restrict and segregate the highest and best location for and use of buildings, structures and land for agriculture, residence, commerce, trade, industry, water conservation, or other purposes in appropriate places; to regulate and limit the height, number of stories, and size of buildings and other structures hereafter designed, erected or altered; to regulate and determine the size of yards and other open spaces; and to regulate and limit the density of population; and, for these purposes, to divide the city into districts of such number, shape, and area as may be deemed best suited to carry out these regulations and provide for their enforcement. Further, such regulations are deemed necessary in order to encourage the most appropriate use of land; to conserve and stabilize the value of property; to provide adequate open spaces for light and air and to prevent and fight fires; to prevent undue concentration of population; to lessen congestion of streets; to facilitate adequate provisions for community utilities such as transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements; and to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare.
(Prior code § 19.04.020 (Ord. 557 § 101, 1964))