The planning commission shall hold a public hearing on the tentative map. Notice of the hearing shall be given pursuant to Section 66451.3 and 66451.4 of the Subdivision Map Act, and ten days mailed notice of the hearing shall be given to the subdivider and to all property owners within three hundred feet of said subdivision, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll. After such hearing, the commission shall approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the tentative map within fifty days, unless an extension of time is mutually agreed upon by the planning commission and the subdivider. Any action taken by the planning commission shall be supported by the findings required by Sections 66427.1, 66473.5, 66474, and 66474.6 of the California Government Code and Section 21100 of the California Public Resources Code.
(Ord. 82-3-889 § 1 (part))
If the subdivider or any other interested party is dissatisfied with any action of the planning commission with respect to the tentative map or conditions imposed by the planning commission, they may, within ten days after such action, appeal such action to the city council by filing written notice to the city clerk. After giving the same notification provided in Section 18.12.060, the city council shall hold a public hearing on the appeal. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the city council shall, within ten days, declare its findings. The city council may sustain, modify, reject, or overrule any ruling of the planning commission. Any action taken by the city council shall be supported by the required findings in Section 18.12.060.
(Ord. 82-3-889 § 1 (part))
The time limits for acting and reporting on tentative maps may be extended by mutual consent of the subdivider and the department of planning and community development or planning commission, as the case may be. No tentative map application shall be accepted as completed until such time as all documentation is complete, including environmental documentation required under CEQA.
(Ord. 82-3-889 § 1 (part))