"Liquefied petroleum gas" means petroleum hydrocarbons or mixtures thereof, in liquid or gaseous state, having a vapor pressure in excess of 26 psi at a temperature of one hundred degrees Fahrenheit. Whenever the symbol LPG is used it means liquefied petroleum gas.
(Prior code § 17.08.130 (Ord. 503 § 1.5 (12), 1961) )
"Park drainage system" means the entire system of drainage piping used to convey sewage or other wastes from the trailer drain connection at its connection to the trailer site trap to a public sewer or private sewage disposal system.
(Prior code § 17.08.150 (Ord. 503 § 1.5 (14), 1961))
"Plumbing" means the practice, materials, and fixtures used in the installation, maintenance, extension, and alteration of all piping, fixtures, appliances, and appurtenances in connection with any of the following: sanitary drainage facilities, the venting system, and the public or private water supply systems within or adjacent to any building, structures, or conveyance; also the practice and materials used in the installations, maintenance, extension, or alteration of the liquid waste or sewage and water supply systems of any premises to their connections with any point of a public sewer or other disposal system.
(Prior code § 17.08.170 (Ord. 503 § 1.5(16), 1961))