12.04.010 Definitions.
12.04.020 Declaration of policy.
12.04.025 Exemptions.
12.04.030 Minimum requirements.
12.04.040 Installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street and alley paving, street lighting, driveway approaches, drainage structures, sewer and water mains, and street trees required.
12.04.050 Building permit issuance prerequisite.
12.04.060 Minimum street improvements.
12.04.070 Dedication to city required.
12.04.080 Installation agreement.
12.04.090 Security deposit or bond.
12.04.100 Penalty for violation.
For all purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
A. "Administrative committee" shall consist of four city employees as follows:
1. The city administrative officer;
2. The director of planning and community development;
3. The city engineer; and
4. The director of building and safety.
Any two such members may act as a quorum for the purpose of conducting business.
B. "Building" means any building designed or intended for occupancy and use as a dwelling or clubhouse or as a business, manufacturing, or fabricating establishment, and also means the surfacing of all or a portion of a parcel of land to adopt it for use as a parking lot, storage area, trailer park or other similar use.
C. "Building inspector" means the director of building and safety of the city.
D. "City engineer" means the city engineer of the city.
E. "Construct any building" means to construct a new building as defined in subsection B of this section or to make alterations to an existing building except as provided in Section 12.04.025.
F. "Parcel" means a parcel of land situated in whole or in part within the city which may or may not be wholly within a subdivided tract.
(Ord. 83-06-906 § 1; Ord. 80-3-839 § 3; Ord. 73-11-712 § 2 (part): prior code § 12.08.010)
It is declared to be the policy of the city that curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street and alley paving, street lighting, driveway approaches, drainage structures, sewer and water mains, and street trees be installed along the street line or lines of any parcel hereafter improved by the construction thereon of any dwelling or other building.
(Ord. 79-8-828 § 1 (part): Ord. 73-11-712 § 2 (part): prior code § 12.08.020)
Any provisions of this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding, the following shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter:
A. Any alteration to an existing building or buildings upon any parcel of land where the value of such alteration or the cumulative value of all such alterations made within the previous three years upon such parcel does not exceed thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars, as determined by the building official; the threshold shall be adjusted annually by the building official using the average change in percentage from the previous year for all building categories as determined from the Building Valuation Data table published by the International Conference of Building Officials.
B. Any alteration to an existing residential building or buildings upon any parcel of land where the area of such alteration or the cumulative area of all such alterations made within the previous three years upon such parcel does not exceed five hundred square feet, as determined by the building official.
C. Any alteration of an existing building or buildings upon any parcel of land where such alterations are approved by the director of planning and community development as a part of the city's housing rehabilitation program are funded in whole or in part thereunder.
(Ord. 92-07-1124 § 1: Ord. 83-06-906 § 2)
The improvements specified in this chapter are minimum requirements and, whenever any ordinance of the city or any law of the state requires other or additional or more extensive improvements, such ordinance or law shall control.
(Ord. 73-11-712 § 2 (part): prior code § 12.08.030)