10.04.060   Divisional island.
   "Divisional island" means a raised island located in the roadway and separating opposing or conflicting streams of traffic.
(Prior code § 11.04.080 (Ord. 581 § 1.7, 1965))
10.04.070   Holidays.
   "Holidays" means the first day of January, the twelfth day of February, the twenty-second day of February, the thirtieth day of May, the fourth day of July, the first Monday in September, the ninth day of September, the twelfth day of October, the eleventh day of November, the twenty-fifth day of December, and Thanksgiving Day. If the first day of January, the twelfth day of February, the twenty-second day of February, the thirtieth day of May, the fourth day of July, the ninth day of September, the twelfth day of October, the eleventh day of November, or the twenty-fifth day of December falls upon a Sunday, the Monday following is a holiday.
(Prior code § 11.04.090 (Ord. 581 § 1.8, 1965))
10.04.080   Loading zone.
   "Loading zone" means the space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading or unloading of passengers or materials.
(Prior code § 11.04.100 (Ord. 581 § 1.9, 1965))
10.04.090   Official time standard.
   Whenever certain hours are named in this title, they shall mean standard time or daylight saving time as may be in current use in this city.
(Prior code § 11.04.110 (Ord. 581 § 1.10, 1965))
10.04.100   Parkway.
   "Parkway" means that portion of a street other than a roadway or sidewalk.
(Prior code § 11.04.120 (Ord. 581 § 1.11, 1965))
10.04.110   Passenger loading zone.
   "Passenger loading zone" means the space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading and unloading of passengers.
(Prior code § 11.04.120 (Ord. 581 § 1.12, 1965))
10.04.120   Pedestrian.
   "Pedestrian" means any person afoot or who is using a means of conveyance propelled by human power other than a bicycle.
(Ord. 80-6-848 § 4: prior code § 11.04.120 (Ord. 581 § 1.13, 1965))