Chapter 10.08
   10.08.010   Traffic division--Created.
   10.08.020   Traffic division--Duties.
   10.08.030   Traffic division--Traffic accident studies.
   10.08.040   Traffic division--Traffic accident reports.
   10.08.050   Traffic division--Annual traffic safety report.
   10.08.060   Public works director--Duties generally.
   10.08.070   Public works director--Conduct of duties.
   10.08.080   Police and fire officials--Traffic direction authorities.
   10.08.090   Traffic direction by unauthorized persons prohibited.
   10.08.110   Obstruction of or interference with parking regulation enforcement prohibited.
   10.08.120   Nonexemption of public employees.
   10.08.130   Exemption of certain vehicles.
   10.08.140   Applicability of title to bicycles and animals.
   10.08.145   Emergency response incidents caused by an individual driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol; or, emergency response incidents caused by intentionally wrongful conduct--Recovery by municipality of emergency response costs.
   10.08.150   Accidents--Reports of property damage required.
   10.08.160   Removal of vehicles from streets.
   10.08.200   Street closure.
   10.08.400   Imposition of fees to recover administrative costs.
10.08.010   Traffic division--Created.
   There is established in the city a traffic division to be under the control of the chief of police.
(Prior code § 11.08.010 (Ord. 581 § 2, 1965))