It is unlawful for any person or persons, corporation, partnership, association, society or any organization as principal, agent, employee, or otherwise, to do, to aid in doing, or cause or permit to be done, any of the acts enumerated in this section within the limits of any public park, building, enclosure or other public property, in the city:
A. Animals and Fowl. To permit or allow the presence of any animal or fowl, except leashed domestic dogs in compliance with Section 6.04.010(4), or except where the Parks, Recreation, and Library Services Director, or his/her designee, has granted a permit to allow specified animals. If such permit is granted, it must be in the possession of the permit holder while on the public premises with the animal;
B. Interference with Public Equipment/ Facilities. To cut, break, injure, deface or disturb any rock, building, monument, sign, fence, bench, structure, apparatus, equipment or other property; mark or place thereon, or on any portion thereof, any mark, writing or printing; attach thereto any sign, card, display or other similar device; dig remove, destroy, injure, mutilate or cut any tree, plant, shrub, bloom or flower, or any portion thereof, or remove any wood, turf, grass, soil, rock, sand or gravel. This subsection (B) shall not apply to a duly authorized city employee or city contractor in performance of his/her duties;
C. Bathing and Pollution of Waters. To swim, bathe, wade, fish, or pollute the water of any reservoir, fountain, pond, lake, or stream, except in those places set apart for public bathing. The Public Works Director or his/her designee is authorized to place and maintain, or cause to be placed and maintained, signs designating such public bathing places;
D. Fire. To bring on, use or possess any portable barbecue, grill, smoker, cooking equipment, apparatus, fire pit or hibachi, which uses charcoal or other incendiary material for fuel, except in those barbeques specifically provided by the city for that purpose, or except where the Parks, Recreation, and Library Services Director, or his/her designee, has granted a permit to allow such use. If such a permit is granted, it must be in the possession of the permit holder while on the public premises;
E. Vehicles and Animals. To drive any vehicle or animal, except on the regular driveways or paths provided for such purposes; or to hitch or fasten any animal except at places so provided;
F. Vehicle Operation and Signs. To operate any vehicle over or upon any driveway at a greater speed than fifteen miles per hour. The Public Works Director, or his/her designee, shall erect signs on the driveways entering all public parks within the city, which signs shall be placed on the right-hand side of such driveways looking toward said parks and at a height not less than four nor more than ten feet from the ground, which signs shall correspond to the signs designated in Section 468.1 of the California Vehicle Act, or any amendment thereto;
G. Transporting Goods. To drive any dray, truck, wagon, cart, or other traffic vehicle carrying or regularly used or employed in carrying goods, wares, merchandise, lumber, machinery, oil, manure, dirt, sand, soil, or any article of trade or commerce, or any offensive article or material whatsoever over the parks or roads or driveways therein, except when delivering any material to, or within, or removing from, any public park or other public property within the city by authority or under direction of the City Manager, the Public Works Director or the Parks, Recreation, and Library Services Director, or any of their designees;
H. Sale of Goods. Sidewalk vendors, as that term is defined in Section 5.06.020 of this code, vending in city parks without meeting the applicable requirements of Chapter 5.06;
I. Posting of Signs and Notices. To erect, construct or maintain, paste, paint, print, nail, tack or otherwise fasten or affix any card, decoration, poster or sign on any lamp post, utility pole, traffic control sign or signal, curbstone, bench, hydrant, wall, sidewalk, bridge, tree, fence, building or structure owned or controlled by the city, unless one has first secured a written approval or permit from the Parks, Recreation, and Library Services Director, or Public Works Director, or either of their designees, or has secured authorization by City Council resolution. Duly authorized city officers or employees and contractors with the city, State Government or Federal Government acting to promote the purposes of that contract shall be exempt from this division;
J. Organized Sports Games and Practices. To play or engage in any organized sports game, organized sports practice, or organized fitness activity without a written permit from the Parks, Recreation, and Library Services Director, or his/her designee; or to use/wear shoes with cleats on any field or turf area, or to “mark” or designate fields, parks or other public spaces by the use of cones, delineators, chalk or other means without a written permit from the Parks, Recreation, and Library Services Director or his/her designee. “Organized sports game” is defined for the purposes of this section as any game or competition held in connection with a formal or informal league or tournament. “Organized sports practice” is defined for the purposes of this section as any formal practice, training or instruction in any sport or game, conducted by a coach or other person, for the purpose of competing in an organized sports game. “Organized fitness activity” is defined for the purposes of this section as any organized exercise or physical fitness activity, conducted by an instructor or other person, for which the other person is compensated by the participant(s).
K. Littering. To throw, deposit, or place any bottles, tin cans, broken glass, papers, clothes, iron, or any rubbish or refuse anywhere, except in receptacles furnished for that purpose;
L. Hours of Operation/Hours of Overnight Closure. To remain, stay or loiter about any public park, building or enclosure between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. Hours of operation for public parks shall be between the hours of 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., unless otherwise approved by the Parks, Recreation, and Library Services Director.
M. Group Picnics and Events. For any group, public or private, of more than twenty-five persons to hold or conduct a picnic, celebration, service, or event (other than a special event as defined in subsection R of this section) without a written permit from the Parks, Recreation, and Library Services Director, or his/her designee;
N. Jumpers and Bounce Houses. To place, provide or operate any inflatable play apparatus, such as jumpers, bounce houses, or other similar inflatable structures without a written permit from the Parks, Recreation, and Library Services Director, or his/her designee;
O. Noise. To willfully play any musical instrument or any electrically amplified music or sound in a manner which will disturb the peace and quiet of any neighborhood or which causes discomfort or annoyance to any reasonable person of normal sensitivity, except in those areas designated and approved for performances and with a written permit from the Community Services Director, or his/her designee;
P. Special Events. To conduct or cause to be conducted, participate or engage in, hold, manage, permit or allow another to conduct a special event on such public property, or any event on private property which is sufficiently large as to affect adjacent public right-of-way or public property, without first having obtained a written permit from the City Manager, or his/her designee. “Special event” is defined for the purposes of this section as follows:
1. Any organized formation, parade, procession, demonstration or assembly which may include persons, animals, vehicles or any combination thereof, which is to assemble or travel in unison on any street, sidewalk or other public right-of-way owned or controlled by the city which does not comply with applicable traffic regulations, laws or controls; or
2. Any organized or assemblage of seventy-five or more persons at any public place, property, or facility which is to gather for a common purpose under the direction or control of a person or persons; or
3. Any other organized activity involving fifty or more persons conducted by a person for a common or collective use, purpose or benefit which involves the use of, or has an impact on, public property or facilities and which may require the provision of city public services in response thereto.
4. Examples of such events include, but are not limited to, concerts, parades, circuses, fairs, festivals, street fairs, community events, mass participation sports (such as marathons and other running events), athletic or sporting events, and community celebrations and observances conducted on public property or public rights-of-way.
(Ord. 2023-11-1545 § 12 (part), 2023; Ord. 2013-05-1453 § 1; Ord. 2007-09-1375 § 1; Ord. 2004-08-1336 § 1; Ord. 99-07-1260 § 1; Ord. 88-08-1009 § 1; prior code § 9.08.010 (Ord. 314 § 1, 1949))
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to urinate, defecate or otherwise discard or dispose of human wastes or excretion on private property in an area exposed to public view, or on any public street, sidewalk, alley, park, parking lot, or other public place, except in a toilet receptacle provided for such purpose within the structure of a restroom or bathroom or other enclosure.
B. Anyone who, by reason of illness, infection, disease or other physical infirmity is unable to control his or her excretory functions shall be exempt from the provisions of subsection (A). Loss of control of excretory functions brought on by voluntary ingestion of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants, depressants, or hallucinogens shall not be exempt from the provisions of subsection (A).
(Ord. 2023-11-1545 § 12 (part), 2023; Ord. 2013-05-1453 § 1; Ord. 2004-01-1325 § 2)
A. Any person seeking a permit required by this chapter shall complete a permit application describing the reasons for the proposed activity or use, and shall deposit the permit fee as established by City Council resolution. The permit application and fee shall be submitted no less than fifteen days in advance of the proposed activity subject to the permit to the city department that issues the permit as indicated in Section 9.08.010.
B. The department’s staff shall assess the extent to which the proposed activity or use may interfere with the use and enjoyment of the public park, building, facility or other place by the general public; the availability of the requested public park, building, facility or other place; the extent to which the proposed activity or use would require the diversion of public safety or other city employees from their normal duties so as to unreasonably reduce adequate levels of service to any other portion of the city; the extent to which the activity or event would adversely affect the city’s ability to reasonably perform municipal functions or furnish city services; and any other criteria contained in any applicable policy of any applicable city department. Based on these criteria, city department staff shall approve or deny the permit application. Written notice of the decision shall be provided to the applicant. If the permit application is denied, all fees shall be returned to the applicant, with the exception of non-refundable application fees. In determining whether to approve a permit application for an event involving expressive activity, no consideration may be given to the message of the event, the content of speech, the identity or associational relationships of the event organizer or its members or affiliates, or to any assumptions or predictions as to the amount of hostility which may be aroused in the public by the content of the speech or the message conveyed during the event.
C. Permits issued under the provisions of this chapter are subject to such reasonable conditions as the city department staff may deem necessary in order to ensure that the proposed activity or use will be compatible with the general uses of the park or other public place; will prevent dangerous, unlawful or impermissible uses; and will protect the safety of persons and property; provided that such requirements shall not be imposed in a manner that will unreasonably restrict expressive or other activity protected by the California or United States Constitutions. Such conditions may include, but shall not be limited to the following:
1. Limitations upon the times during which the proposed use will be permitted;
2. Limitations upon the locations at which the use will be permitted;
3. Limitations upon the number of people that will be permitted to participate in a use at a given location;
4. Limitations upon the type of equipment allowed and the manner in which it is utilized;
5. Requirement that the applicant furnish private patrol or security where the nature of the use will impose undue burdens on the police services of the city;
6. Requirement that the applicant provide temporary sanitary facilities, trash containers, and the like;
7. Requirement that the applicant post additional fees, deposits or other security to cover extraordinary costs which may be incurred by the city as a result of the proposed use; and
8. Requirement that the applicant provide proof of insurance deemed adequate by the city department staff.
D. Any person dissatisfied with the decision of the city department’s staff under this section may appeal such decision to the Parks and Recreation Commission in compliance with Section 9.08.040 of this chapter.
(Ord. 2023-11-1545 § 12 (part), 2023; Ord. 2013-05-1453 § 1)
A. Any person wishing to appeal the decision(s) of the city department staff pursuant to Section 9.08.040 may appeal such decision to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The appeal must be filed in writing with the City Clerk within fourteen days of written notification of denial, and must specify the basis of appeal and the relief sought. The appeal shall be scheduled for hearing within two regularly scheduled meetings of the Parks and Recreation Commission, and notice of the appeal shall be provided by mail to the appellant. Appeal fees shall accompany any appeal filing in compliance with subdivision (C) of this section.
B. Appeals shall be heard by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Commission may sustain, modify or overrule the decision of the City Department staff. The determination by the Parks and Recreation Commission shall be final.
C. The City Council shall, from time to time, by resolution, adopt or modify an appeal fee to be paid by the appellant to defray the reasonable expense of costs incidental to the administration and processing of appeals filed pursuant to this section.
(Ord. 2023-11-1545 § 12 (part), 2023; Ord. 2013-05-1453 § 1)