8.24.050   Ratproofing specifications generally.
   A.   Rat-proofing as required in this chapter, shall be interpreted to mean a continuous masonry foundation of the size and depth required by the building ordinance and the other requirements for a new building of the same occupancy as regards clearance beneath wood joists, wall covering adjacent to the top foundation, and protection of roof and foundation openings.
   B.   In addition to the other requirements set forth in this chapter, any building or structure or portion thereof used for the storage or handling of any grain or grain product, or of any food or food products for human or animal consumption, except dwellings or apartments, shall be ratproofed as provided in Sections 8.24.060 through 8.24.080.
(Prior code §§ 6.16.050, 6.16.070 (Ord. 270 §§ 5, 7, 1945))