Section 509 of the public health code is amended to read as follows:
"Section 509. PIPELINE TREATMENT. Every new water main and every repaired section of an existing water main must be cleared of coliform bacteria by the proper application of chlorine in sufficient quantities to give a minimum of fifty (50) parts per million of available chlorine. The new or repaired pipe shall be thoroughly flushed before and after chlorination. If the first application of chlorine is not sufficient, the procedure shall be repeated until the water will meet the standards set forth in the United States Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards. Means or methods providing equivalent treatment may be used if approved by the Health Officer."
(Prior code § 6.24.080 (part) (Ord. 70-9-664 § 1 (part)))
Section 519 of the public health code is amended to read as follows:
"Section 519. WELL SEALING. All water wells and electrode wells shall be kept sealed and maintained in a manner that will prevent the entrance of pump leakage, surface drainage, or any other contamination or pollution into the well or the aquifer, except that nonconforming electrode wells need not comply with this section until such time as the electrode is expended, or the well is reconstructed, or the well is no longer being used for its intended purpose, unless, in the judgment of the Health Officer, such exception constitutes a threat to the quality of an aquifer."
(Prior code § 6.24.080 (part) (Ord. 70-9-664 § 1 (part)))
Section 520.1 is added to the public health code to read as follows:
"Section 520.1. CONSTRUCTION OF ELECTRODE WELLS. All electrode wells hereafter constructed shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Health Officer in such a manner as to exclude contamination or pollution of any usable underground water."
(Prior code § 6.24.090 (part) (Ord. 70-9-664 § 2 (part)))
Section 523 of the public health code is amended to read as follows:
"Section 523. WELLS--DRILLING AND DESTROYING. No person shall drill, dig, bore, deepen, or excavate any well, or destroy an existing well, without first making application and securing a permit from the Health Officer."
"The application shall be made on a form prepared by the Health Officer which shall include the location of the proposed or existing well, the type of casing, the manner of sealing and any other data required by the Health Officer."
(Prior code § 6.24.080 (Ord. 70-9-664 § 1 (part)))
Section 523.1 of the public health code is amended to read as follows:
"Section 523.1. RECONSTRUCTION OR CONVERSION OF EXISTING WELL FOR DOMESTIC USE. Any person intending to convert any industrial, oil or irrigation well for use as a domestic water well shall first apply and secure a permit from the health officer."
"The application shall be made on a form prepared by the Health Officer which shall include the location of the well, the type of casing, the manner of sealing and any other data required by the Health Officer."
(Prior code § 6.24.080 (part) (Ord. 70-9-664 § 1 (part)))
Section 523.2 of the public health code is amended to read as follows:
"Section 523.2. PROCESSING OF APPLICATION FOR WELL DRILLING. Upon receipt of an application the Health Officer shall make an investigation. If the applicant has complied with all applicable laws and regulations and the proposed well location will comply with this Chapter, and the drilling, digging, boring, deepening, excavating, converting, destruction or design of the well will not create a condition which in the opinion of the Health Officer can pollute or contaminate the underground water or the water produced
by the well, the Health Officer shall issue the permit."
(Prior code § 6.24.080 (part) (Ord. 70-9-664 § 1 (part)))