2.80.510   Types of discipline.
   A.   Disciplinary action shall be administered equitably. It is the policy of the city that in taking disciplinary action, the severity of the discipline imposed shall be commensurate with the seriousness of the offense and with due consideration to the employee's prior performance record. It is further the policy of the city that a system of progressive discipline be utilized with the objective of correcting inappropriate employee conduct.
   B.   Disciplinary actions, which may be taken for any of the reasons provided in Section 2.80.500, listed generally in order of severity are as follows: reprimand; suspension; reduction in salary; demotion and dismissal. These disciplinary actions are defined in Section 2.80.025.
   C.   For nondisciplinary purposes, the department head, or, in the case of an emergency, a supervisor, may suspend an employee with pay and without complying with the procedures of Section 2.80.520 in the following circumstances:
   1.   In an emergency when life, property, or employee safety is endangered or the self-control of the employee is questionable, and suspension is necessary to reduce or eliminate the danger or to establish control; or
   2.   When an investigation is being made of the circumstances surrounding a possible disciplinary action, and the presence of the employee would interfere with such investigation.
   The personnel officer immediately shall be advised of the foregoing actions. In the event that the department head proposes to convert the nondisciplinary suspension into a disciplinary suspension without pay or take any other disciplinary action, prior to taking such action, the department head shall comply with all provisions of Section 2.80.520 and the employee shall have all rights thereunder, including the right of appeal.
(Ord. 86-03-970 § 1 (part), 1986)