2.72.010 Establishment of police reserve unit.
2.72.020 Chief of police to have control.
2.72.030 Method of appointment.
2.72.040 Power of chief of police to change size of reserve unit.
2.72.050 Termination of appointment.
2.72.060 Badge and identification card.
2.72.070 Uniforms.
2.72.080 Use of uniform and badge.
2.72.090 Training requirements.
2.72.100 Duties of reserve unit.
2.72.110 Duties and authority of reserve officers.
2.72.120 False personation.
2.72.130 Carrying of firearms.
2.72.140 Other weapons.
2.72.150 Limitation of duties.
A police reserve unit, hereinafter called the "reserve unit", is established as a volunteer organization in the city to serve gratuitously, except for court time and special details such as movie security, to be determined by the chief of police, hereinafter called the "chief." The reserve unit shall be composed of persons appointed by the chief. Members of the reserve unit shall be called "reserve officers."
(Ord. 97-08-1220 § 1 (part): prior code § 2.44.010 (Ord. 457 § 1, 1959))
Except as provided elsewhere in the City Municipal Code, the chief shall have complete authority and control over the reserve unit. The chief may appoint as member(s) thereof any person(s) who is/are qualified, pursuant to the laws of the state and the requirements, rules and regulations of the commission on peace officer standards and training (P.O.S.T.), and may reject any application for membership. The chief shall provide for the training of candidates for membership and for the further training of members. Membership in the reserve unit is open to men and women.
(Ord. 97-08-1220 § 1 (part): prior code § 2.44.020 (Ord. 457 § 2, 1959))
No person shall become a member of the reserve unit until his/her application for appointment has been thoroughly investigated and he/she is able to meet all requirements prescribed by the chief, pursuant to Section 2.72.020. When so qualified, he/she may be appointed by the chief.
(Ord. 97-08-1220 § 1 (part): prior code § 2.44.030 (Ord. 457 § 3, 1959))